
Am I the only one who sees Matthew McConaughey as the American version of Tom Hiddleston?

Thank you Ms. Rampling.

It’s nice to see the first lesbian in Congress say something compassionate about women.

Maybe, but one can only be so good in a terrible piece of writing. Does Olsen have supernatural powers of throwing pink streamers into the air to a country music back beat? Does she wrap Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda and turn them into a popular girl group? That could make it interesting.

I know!!

It was stupid. I loved The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth. This was supposed to be the third in a trilogy. Oh boy everything about it was awful.

Hank Williams had a really weird voice. He wrote great songs, but I’ve never liked the way he sang them. As he slid away the voice got weedy. Tammy Wynette, Patsy Cline (oh Patsy!), & Johnny Cash could sing.

What are we to do when our publicly shared company that’s listed on the US and other “non Christian” countries’ stock markets, outsources benefits, editing, accounting, travel, and product manufacturing to all those “non-Christian” workers? I guess it’s no Walmart, Target, groceries, shoes, clothing, or furniture for

I heard the same. The film has to be recut to make sense and the story of addiction to death has been done, well, to death.

The studios have been doing this and getting caught for years. It’s corporate America ripping off workers again and again.

It was about men. Apparently no one has mothers and mothers don’t matter in a storyline about generations. Had the prequels followed the mothers’ stories instead of the fathers’, there would have been a more complex plot and less blowing stuff up.

So where is this condom vending machine? Shouldn’t it be next to the beer machine? Or is the pizza and beer machine the birth control Cruz is talking about?

on his head?

No, they are anti-sex, anti-life, anti-compassion, immoral hypocriites.

Rape is forcing women to do something they don’t want to do. Overriding women’s refusal is part of the males’ power trip. Spike Lee just issued an OK and a challenge to rapists.

The problem with excusing prejudice is that it devalues the damage racism and sexism does to everyone. By segregating races and sexes, we institutionalize, and thereby embed in culture and our economic system ideas and actions that restrict democracy and the economy that supports freedom. When people in power enforce

But no one has ever suggested making the banks pass along the low interest to consumers. The banks make money by borrowing at 0% to 1%, then charging consumers 4% - 28% or more for loans on money they get for free.

So that’s where my grandmother’s crocheted afghan went.

Grranimals pajaminals.

Emmaciation is still “in.”