This is one of the best shows ever. It is at once comic, sad, hopeful, and extremely touching.
This is one of the best shows ever. It is at once comic, sad, hopeful, and extremely touching.
While I’m pleased that Ms. Jolie is saying that menopause isn’t the end of femininity, her life is in no way similar to anyone else’s. She lives an extremely exclusive and privileged lifestyle that allows her to make extreme choices. She has money, people, and time, things that are luxuries to most of us.
“My statement was intended to be respectful, measured, and moderate in tone and substance” He needs to look up those words and figure out what they mean.
My siblings all attend church and they receive a monthly reminder by mail and email about their obligation to give 10% of their income to the church. This reminder was part of the Sunday announcements after mass when I was a child and it continues today, even at funerals and weddings.
As a recovering Catholic who spent 13 years in Catholic schools, I’ve had mean nuns, crazy nuns, stupid nuns, and power tripping nuns. None of the nuns were what I’d consider well balanced. Even the ones who seemed OK, in hindsight, accepted their lot in life, as if they had no power at all to choose anything, and…
They are keeping both in such a small head space.
And Charlotte Rampling is wearing flats!
Some really good coffee. For $20 you can get something that takes a while to use up and will seem as good as expensive scotch.
Catherine Tate. Posh People sketches.
Rubio. Oh, God. Really? Yes. When can Hillary squeeze him and watch his eyes pop out? GOP field is brain damaged cockroaches running toward the light. My brain wanders around when I read - remember - think about this. Mom is giving money to Ben Carson to prove she’s not racist. Also 1/2 her income to anti-abortion,…
Would anyone not hire Sandra Bullock if she named names? She brings studios a lot of money. If those in positions of power spoke openly and named those who harass or denigrate women or anyone really, that would open up legal and financial consequences for the studios who hire these jerks. How many movies would David…
Bond should be in his 40s to 50s and should be turned on by interesting women, not by ingenues who have all been extruded from the same anorexia machine. Seydoux wasn’t interesting, just sort of stupid and slappy. Bellucci could have provided another trap for Bond to get out of, that way we wouldn’t have had to say,…
As this article implies, there is little research on women’s sexual health and sexual response. As a participant in these so-called “quality of life” surveys and research programs, the questions about sex are few and vague. I’ve yet to come across one that sets groundwork by first asking what the respondent thinks is…
If Seth McFarlane wrote it it wouldn’t be funny but he’d blame women and their inherent lack of comic sensibility for not laughing.
That stretches the definition of complicity to meaninglessness. That slippery slope of association also means that these same Catholic nuns are therefore complicit in the systemic child abuse, sexual abuse, hiding criminals, and every other manner of crime that the Catholic Church has engaged in.
Insurance for renting your property through airbnb or other sources can triple. Not only are you turning a residence into a commercial property, but because there’s no way to background check the applicants or a way to know how many temporary residents there will be, the risk is almost incalculable while the cost of…
Agreed about the larger economic policies. However, I don’t think attention on the lack of diversity is displaced at all. Not only does it bring the larger issues to attention, but it challenges the status quo and our assumptions about what each of us can do. Twitter is one of the multi-billion dollar companies which…
Access to education and equipment is unequal way before grad school. For those born into privilege of money and/or status, the stroll to accomplishment is relatively easy and supported in a variety of ways. Others have to take a journey beginning 1000 miles from a walled castle we’ve only heard about, but never seen,…