“Meritocracy” is a concept invented by white guys who were born owning everything.
“Meritocracy” is a concept invented by white guys who were born owning everything.
Computer generated animation makes all the cartoons look and feel the same. The rough edges and individuality of the hand drawn cartoons gave the stores and the characters distinction and depth. As it is with writers and much of the creative workforce, there’s a popular misconception that creativity isn’t worth paying…
Every time I read about the news industry I get stomach cramps. Ever since newspapers, like so many other businesses that were gutted for cash, were forced to cut until they had little of the orginal product, horrible legacy writers, mostly old white guys, get paid while talent wanders the streets begging for work.
Except for reproductive rights and equal pay, Clinton comes out on issues only after she’s figured out how the wind blows. This really irritates me and makes me suspicious. Mind you, with the regressive, anti-women policies being pushed through these days, I’m getting to be a single issue voter and her stance is, at…
She’s a little thin, but I bet any modeling agency would hire her. Certainly Hollywood would cast her as the romantic interest of a much older mummy - I mean lead actor.
Yep, I read all the books and they’re definitely mysogynist, privildged, and silly. Still, so is much of literature. They were fun but I won’t read them again. Better to stick to the extremely well written and thoughtful John LeCarre.
Yes, but only insofar as the president can appoint a cabinet and heads of agencies who actually do the enforcement. The executive branch is rather distant from the realities of daily regulatory control.
Those are still abstractions. Promising to veto non-existent bills will only provide fodder for more generic attacks. Supreme Court Justices are not appointed, they are nominated, then go before Congress for confirmation. One cannot mobilize people who are not in office yet.
What promise could she make that would make one bit of difference? Any candidate for president who promises to do something has no idea how the executive office works. Laws must come from the legislative (that is and likely to remain a GOP Congress - shudder); enforcement from the Judiciary. The best the Executive…
“giggle oyster”
Alright, now you’ve done it. I’m off my food. And bears.
Jeff wasn’t that interesting. And his pairing with Layla was just silly.
You know you’ve got this backward, right? Abortion is a safe procedure if done by trained medical personnel in a clean, safe environment. Much safer than childbirth. 2012: almost 300,000 women died of complications from childbirth versus 10 of complications from abortion.
Good to know. Presuming this rule applies to women as well, now I can fight Robin Wright over Ben Foster. She might win, but the struggle could be enjoyable.
In Fiore.
A huge difference is that cab companies can be held liable, so they have in interest in making sure their driers arent psycopaths. In the sharing economy, all drivers are independent contractors, so the company has no liability, therefore little interest in security.
I get this, but until women name names, nothing will change. Naming the people who choose to pay women less - because, let’s be honest, at some point it isn’t agents or negotiating, it’s studios offering less money to women - those studios that pay less and the people who sleect the salary range need t be called out…
In other news, cheap yogurt in a suit, Karl Rove, shows how much he cares about the United States by raising the level of political discourse to meaningless and peculiar personal attacks. “I am relevant!” he yells to no one in particular.
You left out the part about Tarantino serially dating (and abusing) the daughters of Hollywood executives and well regarded actors.
We have come to the point where we expect perfection even when imperfection is the beautiful norm. A bunch of videos will not prove something beyond refute, merely that the same situation looks different from different angles. Games incorporate the fact that sometimes life is not fair, that mistakes are made and that…