
Hardy is a great player. Big Fucking Deal. As long as owners and other players allow horrible people to continue playing in their professional sandboxes, people like Hardy and every other abusive person are reinvested with the idea that they are somehow special, therefore they are beyond any moral judgement or

Nah. I think the buzzing sound of it spiraling around the empty space would have no effect whatsoever.

More to the point, if we, as a people, keep insisting on facts, then what happens to faith? By faith, I mean a very narrow, peculiar brand of faith in a completely arbitrary system of judgment of people who are not in-the-know, like us. Once we lose faith we lose our imaginary rudder and steer for the rocky shores of

When women start naming these guys then they will stop behaving this way. As long as the powerful have the cover of anonymity these men will be in a position of power. When studios realize that public exposure makes their liabilty for the actions of their employees more evident, then they either take action or risk

Jake Tapper is really dumb. He cannot form a coherent question. His approach to talking about Planned Parenthood showed that he beleived the videos were reality and that Caryly Fiorina reaaly has evidence of PP killing a baby.

We need to start asking what people mean when they say “the government.” The government isn’t a single entity with one directive or direction. The government is built of the representatives we choose, the people those elected representatives employ and hire and us. Yes, us.

This is not a dress. This is my great aunt’s dresser scarf with a body stuck in the middle of it.

Who is in charge of timing your responses? I ask because it’s odd that you only take a stance on issues after there’s been some resolution. For example, you came out for the Iran deal after it became clear that Congress couldn’t block it, then, against the Keystone pipeline after Obama came out against it and polls

Too bad Dunder/Mifflin went under.

A “Jezbel” is a unit of measurement for sexual repression. The scale is 1-5.

I find the play rather shallow and the Freudian stuff foisted on top of the plot a bit much, but Debra Findlay and Tom Hiddleston were terrific as the mother/son political power couple. Weird that Corolanus wife, played by Birgitte Hjort Sørensen of Borgen fame, had only one line. When Coriolanus was handing out

Great, are you telling me that now that guy has bought both Viagra and the female libido enhancer?

Look at the guy behind Hiddleston. He seems to have or desire some other knowledge of Prince Hal.

We must stop allowing the exeption in cases of rape or incest to even be part of the discussion because it gives the illusion that abortion is accessible to the victims of trauma. Those exceptions require a victim to present evidence to a judge who has his/her own agenda. An injured person has to prove her innocence

Perhaps it’s time to just deprive all the Palins of publishing oxygen. Simply not cover anything a Palin says, because it’s is always stupid. Without attention they would become what they truly are, meaningless.

I live in SF as well. I’ve begun to hear more and more stories about Airbnb and Airbnb-type rentals gone bad.

“End the war on reproductive rights.”

Missing the SON’S first day of school, which is really dropping a kid off and picking him up cannot be better for the kid than having him tell his friends that his cool mom is busy winning an important soccer match. If it were a daughter’s first day of school I imagine there wouldn’t be any problem.

This is a really pathetic premise for a movie. I’m tired of sex being used as a punchline instead of having a real joke or creating a genuinely funny situation. Sex can be really funny, but instead there are a lot of sophomoric movies that presume sexual functions and snide/gross comments about sex is the same as sex

The GOP is all about religious groups providing social services instead of the government. It also espouses the myth that country’s founders were Christian and therefore the country is Christian and should uphold the GOP/right wing version of that doctrine.