
And Roberts and Kennedy and Alito and Thomas and Sotomayor. (Kagen, Breyer, and Notorius RBG are Jewish. Not much of a diverse or representative high court.)

Think of a overall effect then chose the accessories.

Words are dangerous. To ignore that they carry with them both meaning and implication is to undermine their and our power. Too often we imagine that ignoring someone or some idea is the same as defusing its power, but as with rasist and sexist language, words reinforce and generate a consciousness, create assumptions.

Doesn’t the “sharing economy” exist outside of the apps that link people to people? Because if the new economy is based on sharing, then the founders and investors and manager in Uber and Lyft and Arbnb and all the other sharing enterprises should be sharing all the income, profit, and funding money, not just taking

In our house, being dog-chewed was much more likely.

I found this book in the pile of religious themed historical fiction my mother read. In the bed table bookshelf, between The Story of St. Bernadette and The Way of The Cross, was this thing. I was fascinated. Dad was a doctor and mom a nurse, so they probably came by it through “professional” circumstances.

Presidential candidates making promises is a losers game. Obama and the Democrats backed away from his promises too quickly, but Congress had/has a GOP majority that simply blocked everything. As the Obama presidency illustrates, the president can persuade, but cannot control Congress.

I believe the bride has confused the definition of “gift” with the definition of “extortion.”

Aside from the reality that guns are almost useless as self protection, while she was being hit with a baseball bat, when would the woman -anyone- have time and focus enough to grab a gun unless the gun was at her side?

There’s a larger question of what to do about violence, what to do about/with the people who commit violent acts. Clearly the punishment system of going to jail doesn’t work; if it was a deterrent we wouldn’t have any crime. Looking at violence as a public health issue makes a lot more sense than conflating justice

He’s David Jones’ (aka David Bowie) brother.

British theater and the arts has some subsidies - although much less than they used to have - from the government to offer cheap tickets to every show. £10 for the cheap seats at the National and other venues. These seats are never terrible because, unlike the US, the theaters are designed so everyone can see the

We are supposed to put poeple in charge who can’t count to 2?!”

Here’s the organization & the contact info for the “gentlemen” who made this ruling:

Working for one director doesn’t open up opportunities with another. There is no one way to a successful acting career. The idea that turning down a job with a creepy guy who once made popular movies is the only way to gain traction is a myth that keeps creeps in power. Were it not for Kate Blanchett’s performance,

You must love your husband very much. I hope he bought you a villa on the Amalfi Coast to make up for your time and the injury of having to watch Adam Sandler.

Calling Nolan Ryan an “ornery flamethrower” is like calling Fred Astaire a “passable dancer.”

Camilla’s outfits are proof that what looks OK on a young woman looks like a repurposed curtain on that same woman 20 years later. This is especially true of British fashions as they tend toward the stiff and stodgy or wildy Westwoodian.

Wouldn’t it have been faster, safer, and easier for him to take swim lessons? Some Ys and other places offer free lessons for adults who can’t afford them.

I think the idea is to show how stupid Santorum is with his own words. Although Maddow should have corrected him and his “partial birth abortin” langauage, then cut him off when he went off on one of his many tirades.