
I had a gynecological surgeon remove my uterus and cervix - which results in a loss of whole body orgasm - because “You are almost 50, you don’t want children, so there’s no need for sex.” After I found out there was no medical reason for him to have done the operation, he said to my male friend who had come with me,

I had an out of control kid run into me while I was carrying four bowls of hot soup on a tray. I managed to drop everything away from people, but holy hell, what a mess!

You’re putting the IUDs in the wrong place.

The myth that the wealthy, wealthy, royals have nothing to do with practical government, other than living off huge amounts of taxpayers’ money, is just that.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

Opioids don’t address the source of pain, they work on pain receptors in the brain. Anti-inflammatories and local anesthetics are often more useful for certain kinds of injuries than opioid painkillers. Any pill or injectable goes throughout the body, so it does many things to many parts of the body, most notably and

I dont’ know where you got that graph, but several articles, notably ones in the Chronicle of Higher Education, show that Men’s college athletic programs lose a great deal of money, despite the fact they are heavily subsidized by the NCAA, commercial interests, and alumni.

If any of the people who claim the Bible as the ultimate authroity on “traditional marriage” read the damn book, they’d find a great many sexual relationships outside of any kind of marriage and even more men with multiple wives and concubines and mistresses. BTW, Jesus had nothing to say about marriage or sex, he

You forgot to add that becasue we have a black president, racism doesn’t exist any more. Also that no laws are needed to ensure equal access to power and basic rights because legal and social equity already exists.

Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Mitch McConnell stuck his soft head out of his hard shell again today to announce that he will be running on a platform of pre-softened, pasteurized, processed cheese product, wilted lettuce leaves, and sports pages torn from the February 1812 edition of the Heartless Valley Gazette. His staff would like to note that

My gaffe. The QOL surveys are not “sex questions” at all. In fact of SIX questions, there’s only one that asks if the respondents sex life is as expected. No detail about the nature of sex or any definition of satisfying or “as expected.”

It does. I really do use marijuana largely to control migraine and nausea from migraine, but I discovered that some strains really help with sexual response. It’s not just the relaxation, there’s something in the same element that stops the nausea that makes for an increased ability to feel sensually aware.

Arousal isn’t psychological, it is also largely physiological. What used to be called frigidity is now seen as sexual dysfunction because it is only within the last ten years that medicine even imagined that women wanted to have sex for a variety of reasons, that the feeling of orgasm was enjoyable or even possible,

I am so tired of white men excusing their own choices and prejudices as well intentioned gaffes. “Ooh, I meant well,” doesn’t cut it. “I fucked up. I am now aware of my own biases and, since I have the power to do so, will have several ethnicities, shapes, and sizes in everything I make from now on,” might.

I routinely go through my closet and discard things that no longer suit me, don’t fit or are just not quite right. If I take out something to wear and it’s wrong or old, into the donation bag it goes. When something comes in, something goes out. That rule forces me to consider what I need and the look I want. I keep a

First, look at your natural shape. For most of us, sundresses that accommodate bra straps are a good choice. I really dislike seeing bra straps, so if it’s a racer back dress, wear a racer back bra.

No. Just no.

I love it when Steve Ducey stands in front of the car when it begins rolling as if he’s strong enough to halt its progress.

Heartbeat International?! They do know that that “beat” they claim is a heart in a zygote that doesn’t have a blood or nervous system is from the same chemical reaction that allows sperm to move. Does this mean that they’re going to start making laws restricting what men can do with their bodies?