
This guy is running for president. I am sooo embarrassed. And mortified. And arghh!

But the feds have arrested people for making threats.

Isn’t this terrorism and since it crosses state boundaries, shouldn’t the Feds be involved?

Here’s an interesting analysis for you.

ESPN is a sports media conglomerate that largely, intentionally operates under the conceit that sports exist within a vacuum, untouched by the outside world except for instances in which the outside world intrudes on the sports universe. It’s a fallacious conceit, but...

This woman’s full time job is scrounging. That sounds like a terrible way to live. Sure, it’s cheap, but she’s never getting her time back to do other things. What about her health care? I bet it’s free clinics until she gets something awful.

The trope of the angry feminist is an imposition by those who do not want the system to change. Not taking any shit is admired when men do it, but when women do it, we’re unacceptably angry.

I don’t buy cheap shoes, but can’t afford custom either. There’s just no way some of those high fashion shoes are comfortable or really wearable. I find dress sandals especially difficult to fit so they don’t cut into toes and I’ve nothing wrong with my feet except slightly high arches.

What kind of dress shoes can these women be wearing? Admittedly, I’m no movie star, but does a pair of high heeled sandals exist that won’t either cut into my toes or rub my ankles raw or cut off the circulation at my calf? These women are walking up steps, down long aisles and along long ramps without the slightest

Zero Dark Thirty was marketed as non-fiction. However, Bigelow changed the script to reflect the CIA as heroes trope. The motivations, like the explosion at the hotel and other major plot points were, in fact, complete fabrications. None of the reasons that movie provides for military or CIA reactions, including

My plan exactly!

The only decisions my passive-aggressive mother ever made was to refuse to sign my college applications because I did not choose a Catholic college & later refused to attend my wedding because it wasn’t a Catholic ceremony. Her reason: she is responsible for my soul. If I don’t go to church she will be damned.

Mercy?! Mercy presumes guilt. Having sex, using birth control, having an abortion are not immoral acts for which women deserve either forgiveness or mercy.

Everyone I know rinses the dishes under running water before putting them in the dishwasher. That’s washing them before washing them. Unless that’s counted in the water usage, this isn’t really an equivalent measurement.

Pro-choice is the compromise. No one is forced to have an abortion; neither is anyone denied an abortion. Or birth control. Or reproductive health care.

There is no such thing as ghosts. Ghosts are not real. Except...

Anorexia is supposed to be out of fashion, but Maggie Q’s bib shows how thin she is.

From Land of Little Rain by Mary Austin, 1903

Americans love fiction. Not only do we ignore that part of the cause of the drought is global warming from man-made industrialization, but we imagine that we have control when we do not. The idea that good ole’ American ingenuity will fix what is a systemic and international problem is part and parcel of our delusion.

Small earthquakes do not relieve pressure. The earth is very large and spinning continuously, so tectonic movement is natural, but in no way the same as a major earthquake.