Katha Pollit wrote a good piece on the disconnect between gay rights and reproductive rights.
Katha Pollit wrote a good piece on the disconnect between gay rights and reproductive rights.
In case anyone imagines that white, male privilege is not a thing, it is useful to remember how Brooks got his start. He wrote an article about how the nouveau riche didn’t understand how to properly spend their money on really nice things for themselves and listened to pop music and didn’t dress very well. He got a…
Costumes in the play, Wolf Hall, have the true version. Henry, a wonderful Nathaniel Parker, wears outrageous, decorated ones that are bigger than anyone else’s. As appropriate for a king whose sex drive changed the world.
Let’s sit him on a hot plate to test his thought processes. It’s not burning, just a heated discussion.
Injuries caused by artificial turf are horrible. It’s either much harder or much softer than ground and grass. It has seams. Even plastic knob cleats get stuck on it, so knee, ankle and hip injuries are increasing, especially with soccer players. The blades tear fabric and skin all to hell.
Other possible hobbies for anti-abortion lobbyists and fanboys:
Being attacked for ones sexuality forces girls to break apart the self.
Privilege is an always full bank account. When one comes from privilege, success is not a matter of skill or talent, but of opportunity, of assumptions.
A white man in a white male-designed, white male-oriented, white male-dominated, profession who is in the privileged position of choosing who to invite into the comedy is complaining about the incestuous nature of the business. Wow.
The “interactions between players” are created and fostered by video games. Social media is, by definition, social, so, if the characters in a game are sexist and playing the game involves treating certain classes of people, notably women, as less valuable, in limited roles, or as male-defined, isn’t that part of the…
In court it was revealed that Woody Allen had taken nude photos of he now wife when she was 14.
Excusing men’s horrible behavior isn’t just in movie business, it’s part of our culture. The excuse is always that the guy is brilliant or necessary. Separating abusive behavior from professional reward has to stop being acceptable. We all have to pressure executives with lawsuits, to keep releasing evidence of such…
I'm a pretty good packer, however, the casual clothing of my youth is no longer appropriate or flattering for the places I visit when I travel. Plus, there are certain medications I must take on board just to be sure they don't get lost. I've learned medications must be in full size containers with the prescription…
Idris Elba cannot become Bond, because I will be arrested at the movie theater. The police will have to spatula me off the screen to take me in.
I was a road and stage manager. I walked into the University of Maryland with tech specs and tools. I came into the venue to find an inappropriate, huge rock-and-roll staging with lights and all sorts of flashy equipment we didn’t ask for or need. I knew the capacity of the electrical panel and knew this would blow…
Woody Allen is "revered" because he was the first guy to claim the superiority of nerdishness. That all of his non-comic work is also perverted, creepy, and egotistic got a pass from the nerdy, perverted, creepy egotists who funded and distributed his movies. He also used NY as a character, a new idea when he did it.…
Clarkson's body of work is "highly respected"?!!!
How does a company, a fictional entity, say prayers?
The BRCA gene is not a direct link to cancer. It is a protein product, meaning it interacts with other proteins to prevent cells from growing too rapidly, that is to prevent, not cause, cancer. Regardless of whether or not one possesses the BRCA1 or BRCA2, ovarian cancer is still overwhelmingly an illness in women…
Itchiness is the hair growing up through the to layers of skin. Washing and gently rubbing the areas using a soapy, rough washcloth, or one with a little hair conditioner at once encourages the hair to come through as it gently removes the skin that has grown over the hairs' ends. I use one of those Japanese style…