Bruce Bochy, "We have a super soldier, the Demigod, a couple of master assassins, the Iron Man & this guy...."
Bruce Bochy, "We have a super soldier, the Demigod, a couple of master assassins, the Iron Man & this guy...."
No sweat pants unless you are running in the cold. No. Just. No.
Abortion, like wealth, has become a perfect moral abstraction. Politicians, the religious, the opportunistic, can use big words, can toss around large concepts without ever having to cope with the complexity of practical application or the messy process of real life. "I know better because God told me," should never…
Keynesian economics supplanted the Supply & Demand theory that the relationship between demand and supply was unhindered. Supply & demand economics posits that such a thing as a "free market" exists when, in fact, there has never been a "free market." The relationship between what is available to purchase or possible…
An equal number of starry thank you back to you.
San Francisco has used these CBAs to some effect. Unfortunately, giant corporations have so many lawyers that they weasel out of obligations so often that resistance seems futile.
Supply and Demand, a long disproven economic theory, has never applied to entertainment or other specialty markets. Audiences choose from what is offered, they do not direct the production of entertainment. The creation of boy bands is an example of how big companies create a market, in this example by using teenage…
Kids are stupid. We all were stupid kids. Stupidity due to ignorance based on lack of experience.
That is why parents and institutions that cater to young people are legally responsible for events and incidents that happen to young people. To think otherwise is to deny that wisdom takes time to acquire.
Disagree about the 21 year old drinking laws. The younger the drinking age, the more entrenched is the drinking culture, one which accepts inebriation as a norm. There is an inverse relationship between drinking age and auto accidents, that is, the higher the legal drinking age, the lower the rate of car crashes.
I loathe it when companies link their charitable donations to purchases. It doesn't sell more product, it just makes it appear as if the corporate entity has feelings like a real person.
The beauty of the show is at one alluring and appalling. There's a way that mere presentation of violence beautifies the violence. No matter how awful screened violence is, it's stylized and manipulated to be attractive, that's the point of shows, to attract viewers.
There is no procedure that sticks scissors into a brain. None. Not ever. Not even late term abortion. No. No. No.
Wacoal, Chantelle, Natori, Simone Perele, Fantasy, Prima Donna are nice bras for larger breasted women. Prima Donna is wonderful! It carries all sorts of styles and their panties are nice too.
Then your bra is not the correct size. Underwires should rest on the rib cage. They keep the bra from moving and irritating the skin. If you are a 32 A or B, an underwire is not necessary. Hanro, Eres and others make several non underwire bras.
The style of the bra worn with clothing is one thing, but much depends upon one's shape. A bra is for support.
With the NFL at last being pushed to consider personal behavior as pertinent to professional behavior, firing Harbaugh is completely justified. When you engage the police department to hide your players crimes, then you shouldn't be rewarded with a job. The personal isn't separate from the professional. We have…
SF's population does not increase by "several hundred thousand" every day. The city's got about 500,000 sq ft of office space, so unless workers are very, very tiny, they're not pouring into town. The US Census puts the number commuting in at about 162,000, commuting out a little less than 100,000. A bit more than…
Wait a minute, Gwyneth Paltrow's ventures have all crashed, so not a bad call. Whatever the reason, this article presents undocumented gossip that might be just a little bit snarky and, ultimately, baseless.
I must stand up for fruitcake, mincemeat and, in small amounts, eggnog. Also stollen, panatone and marzipan.