
While I applaud Watson and anyone who speaks positively about feminism, I find the current discussion remarkably tame, overly polite and simply too weak to accomplish anything other than make the speakers feel better about themselves. Watson was kind of whiny and seemed to be asking permission rather than making a

I'd like to star this a bazillion times.

These look way too medicinal. They remind me of the lab gear British nurses wore in the 1960s.

I used to do lighting for runway shows. The gorgeous women were lovely in a strange and unearthy way, as in they never seemed to be present in their bodies. They knew how to display their bodies, but they weren't in them. I think it's because they never ate.

Being a gay man is OK by MLB.

I love Ms. Swinton. She's talented and used her super model training to become a really good actor.

The PTC is really just one guy, Brent Bozo, sorry, Bozell. The organization is part of the Catholic League, itself really just one guy, Bill Donahue. They both claim membership numbers that are completely unfounded. They count every click on their site as a member and those listed on their advisory council are people

The warnings are generic at best and as part of the consent form horrific possibilities are mentioned, but doctors often don't believe there are any after effects and imagine all women want to be relieved of the burden of a uterus. My surgeon asked why I was upset that he had removed sex organs "as a safety measure,

There are sexuality clinics, although most deal with post cancer sexuality, there is more and more attention to to other issues. Virginia Mason Sexual Health in Seattle, Stanford in Palo Alto, I think Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic have some resources. There's a Female Sexuality Clinic in New York.

There is a desperate need for female viagra. Contrary to popular myth, women do not lose sexual response as they age and ovaries do not wither until they do nothing. The ovaries and uterus are vital parts of the endocrine system, the system underlying sexuality and emotional response.


The last paragraph is key.

D'Souza is brown-skinned conspiracy theorist who worked for Ronald Reagan, the Heritage Institute and other rich white guy groups. He claims racism in America isn't real but even though it isn't real anymore, it was valid when countries and individuals kidnapped people to be a slave workforce. He also thinks "the

From the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Allderdice High school coach Jerry Haslett explains why his former student might beat a man to death:

Who took that photo and can I buy a copy?

This sounds way too much like the crap the UC Santa Barbara Isla Vista murderer was spouting. With all the NSA is doing to find terrorists, why aren't they watching guys like this, the real terrorists close to home who are doing serious, not theoretical or imaginary, injury.

That's baloney. LBJ, JFK, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, Jefferson, and that's just the American leaders who had affairs. None of this should ever have impeded democratic process. The GOP went looking for anything to stop Clinton's popularity and the enactment of his and Hillary's original very liberal policies and plans and

Unfortunately, unless there are huge rule changes, her sports career will more than likely end at college. Of all the professional sports that women can and should compete with men, baseball is the most accessible one. Power hitting isn't required, only agility, speed, accuracy and a preternatural ability to challenge

Occasionally substitute Murder She Wrote because Jessica Fletcher is hot!