Thank you.
Making friends when one is an adult is hard because people have built lives by the time they're 30. Usually those lives involve spouses and children, which means a circle of activity around kid and couple things. Until the kids go to college, there's not much energy or time left for parents to engage in what falls…
Is playing a football game in dangerous conditions really necessary?
This is the sort of fearmongering that really gets me.
No, a hysterectomy is removal of the entire sex organ. This operation removes only the fibroids.
A poet on US television! Perhaps we are finally recognizing the power of art, of poetry to move reality.
Why do you even, for a moment, think this?
Here's the Canadian paper:
I have compromised lung function, so react badly to particulate matter. Particulates are irritants; scents are not particulates. There are tar and nicotine particulates in cigarette smoke, petrochemical matter in vehicle and industrial exhaust. Dander is, by definition, a particulate.
There is no evidence that there is such a thing as an allergy to perfume. If people were as allergic as they claim, they couldn't do anything. "Unscented" products are scented with things that mask the natural odors of deodorants, cleaning products, soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, furniture and fabric. The Canadian…
Catholic hospitals often operate without direct government funding, but they get a lot more than you think. State and federal funds go to all sorts of fake pregnancy centers that are linked to or reside inside Catholic hospitals. According to the National Institutes of Health, Catholic hospitals received at least $6…
No, you and imaginaryguy are because you posted this to either get a rise out of people or you think it's funny.
My father, a not up to speed about modernity kind of guy, voted for Shirley Chisholm in the Democratic primary of 1972. He liked her, said she reminded him of the politicians who demanded that attention be paid to the slums of Glasgow, where he grew up. Ms. Chisholm would go on political talk shows and devastate the…
Pilot's daughter (in response to Spikette) says there's no float because no corporation stepped up to pay for it.
Being a "pussy" means being weak, yet it's also something straight men desire. Seriously guys, WTF? It doesn't take Freud to see how impossibly contradictory and fouled up athletic culture and the business of sports is.
I grew up with soccer and rugby, so never really went for American football until I went to USC. Brad Budde was one of my classmates.