
Coding is not for everyone. It takes a very particular skill and mind set to do it well. More important is the ability to design, build and use appropriate technology as well as possessing a larger, more encompassing sense of the world to choose what sort of technology to use and when to not use technology.

I come from an emotionally stunted and abusive family where crying was not a sign of injury, but a sign of weakness. I'm targeted as being "too sensitive" because being insulted, hit and mistreated hurt.

While the "blonde angel" moniker is disturbing, so is the false equivalency made between racism and child rescue. It was the unavoidable fact of the pale children's difference that called attention to the plight of all the children in these camps.

My home economics skills got me a college scholarship. Until the 1980s California gave a home ec test to all girls graduating from high school. CA gave away a lot of money, in amounts large enough to pay for as much as half one's tuition. The awards weren't renewable, but if you got to college and did well, CA

SNL has a long, uninterrupted history of misogyny.