
Oh yeah, well I took 21MP pictures of a girl at this same concert in the front row, AND got 1080p video and I liked it.

@nautilus.: I'm wondering the tech friends claim it won't, but I'm still skeptic

This is how I am with MegaJump.....JUST ONE MORE JUMP DAMNIT!

Free Ke$ha concert tickets, anyone? haha

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: Yep all you need is a optical drive adapter (looks like an optical drive but has a cut out to put in a 2.5" hard drive - 20 bucks)

Getting rid of that superdrive (that I rarely use) and putting a second hard drive in my Macbook Pro was the best upgrade to any computer I've ever done. So I have an SSD, and a HDD. The lonely superdrive just sits in an enclosure now until I need it (which will probably be never).

Wait a guys got an iPhone prototype?!?!

@AndroidTeamStrike: I splurged and got the 7D (never took pictures usually) and now I'm OBSESSED with photography so yeah, once you get it, you will always want to take pics

@abates25: The iPad, the MacBook Air, Magic Trackpads, I could go on, but these are all stupid things in concept which sell like hotcakes to - you guessed it - stupid people.

It is a very stupid idea....that's exactly why Apple will do it.

I found a (big) bug!

@Harpsichord: Looks like it clearly says "New York City" on the sign on the back of that subway car....

@mms1648: It's there, I swear haha. Giz I don't know why I get this problem when uploading pics from my local drive.

I found...a bug!

@Todd Carpenter: It means we'll get 10+ stories a day about it! Hooray!

@blehbleh13: It means they have another iPhone prototype! ZOMG!