
It doesn't really get more hassle free than Apple boxes. Once the plastic wrap is removed you just lift the top off...

If you're considering the refurbished Insignia Blu-Ray Player (like I *was*) note that it doesn't come with a remote control.

I'm convinced the drug dogs are trained to give 'the signal' even if they don't smell anything just to give the cops permission to search the car. I fucking hate police.

Or, turn the candle upside down to light it...

Found mine at 0:41!

A 5mW laser? Ha! I have a 1000mW one.

I'm gonna love reading this article again after the Ravens beat the Steelers again this Sunday.

Simpsons did it.

Yeah who is that girl

No thanks, I watch real sports.

Didn't we go through this after the 4 release? Then Apple told people it goes away after a few days?

I think Apple needs to start considering durability in their iPhones.

Yeah, I'm in the States, never even heard of it before.

Who the fuck flies Ryanair?

You clearly haven't been here long, Gizmodo excels at being rude and biased.

The technology is really really cool. There's no denying that. I just don't see myself using it that often. I will use it to read and send texts while driving, sure. But for stuff like checking the weather, setting alarms, writing way.

y u steal my comment?

I would argue that the 'cool jobs' are the ones that realize you can still be a fantastic employee regardless of whether or not you have THC in your system. See: my job.

Apple consumers are clearly REALLY dissapointed there wasn't an iPhone 5.

This shit is deep, man.