
If it's any consolation, I've never seen any of the gifs. For going over and beyond your job as a writer, thank you. I appreciate what you've done and what you continue to do.

Pic is missing few females with a body count. So uh, sacrificing my nerd cred and all, but who's that on the right?

I will shamelessly admit that I love denim on denim. When it's different washes and shades it's fun! Representing the Canadian tuxedo.

Take a look at the history of my comments and it becomes obvious I am not in the 10 and under group.

However I must admit... I... am a Jar Jar Binks fan.

That shot at the 1:10 mark was brilliant. How it popped up into view. It was almost like a movie shot.

You know what coconut oil is incredible for? Sexual lubricant (assuming you don't use condoms or another latex-based barrier method). Try it once and you'll never go back.

I second this. LUBE.

not one mention of its best use: lube.

Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson from SG-1. Sam is a physics brainiac whose prowess was essential to virtually every SG-1 mission. Daniel was the anthropological and language expert, always keen on solving problems by trying to understand others, instead of physically overpowering them.

i'm Not sure BUT i Think.she means that Femi.nists only WEAR...pants.

Cool trick...Dunno if I'm in the minority hear, but can we stop with the 2:30 videos that show a technique that takes less than thirty seconds to who someone? Ok, off the soapbox.

Kerrygold is simply amazing. In Milwaukee, you could find better butter. But now that I am living in the fucking desert, you will not find any other butter in my fridge.

I could live on Kerrygold butter alone.*

Kerrygold is my lord and savior returned in butter form.

"There is a brand called Kerrygold..."

I sit everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I even sit in outhouses at concerts and stuff! If there's pee on the seat, I wipe, then sit. And not a single boil has ever once besmirched my ass. When you think about it, it's not even your ass that touches the toilet seat, but rather the edges of the thighs. Washing one's hands is far

Women who hover should be thrown into a giant vat of piss.

This! This is why I can't wrap my head around NOT wearing underwear, as a female; especially if one is Bootaylicious & Thighly Gifted, like meselfs... Breathable cotton delicates, please!

I have to be honest, I'm a gay man, and there's about a 85% chance I would have told that guy to, "Suck my dick, faggot." And no, I'm not proud of that either, but I don't think this situation defines Jonah Hill anymore than it defines the photographer. I'm just thankful for his insightfulness in the wake of all of

Born and raised in Jersey and proud of it. Not so proud of the terrible misconceptions and stereotypical/awful reality shows that depict 1 type of person that possibly lives or vacations here. We have all 4 seasons and all types of areas from Farmland, Forrests, Industrial, Suburban, Beaches, city life, country