
Sometime in 2010 or 2011, when I still lived in Hell's Kitchen, I was out with a few friends on a random weeknight. It was getting a little late in the evening, so we headed back to the neighborhood to finish up our night at the small, local, Irish bar we hung out in every single day(it was 400 feet from my apt, laid

Aaaah get me out of the greys. This is important! Sheesh.

River Song is in this episode, or it's an extra with the same hair as her and I'm over-thinking it. I just was able to watch it and rushed here to see if anybody else picked up on it. Maybe I'm going crazy. I don't know, see evidence below!

I'm there with you ladies. Everything about this is perfection.

I love that she doesn't care about how bad her dancing is and chooses to focus on how GODDAMN GOOD her singing is.

I'm very aware of the original and the symbolism. I'm just trying to figure out if they are making him into a creepy human dude instead of a creepy wolf dude.

Me too, friend. Me too.

Sooo did they change the actual wolf to be a creepy man that's named Mr. Wolf?? I'm guessing no because it looks like they show Red falling down the dark slimy path, but his character really does not look wolfish. He has a frickin suit on. I'm confused.

There's probably also a very big difference in the magnitude of reward associated with sugar in rats vs humans. Rat brains find sugar VERY rewarding. Like they will do anything for it. Imagine if you spiked your tea with cocaine everyday (something many human brains find very 'rewarding'), eventually you would

Thank you!!! I had a lot of fun with it :)

Nice! I tried finding something that resembled a striped suit, but everything was too far from the actual character. My suit was actually at a thrift store, in my size in the women's section. I was shocked! I giggled a lot in the dressing room when I tried it on.

Cmon Beetlejuice, get me out of the greys!!

Most fun I've ever had in a costume.

Helloooo, I'm Maggie Mae. I am a research assistant in a clinical neuroscience lab. We study the neural correlates of craving and regulation of craving, using fMRI. Longtime lurker, very infrequent commenter.

While I don't usually endorse fraternities or fashion camo...the young man in the camo hat ~2 minutes in, yowza. I would tutor the shit out of him.

Visited Valencia 5 years ago. It's in my top 5 'most favorite places'. So lovely!

Sandy Hook Bridge!!

True story: I once drove Walter Mischel in my car. It will probably always be the biggest highlight of my science career.

I was the same way! My mom went through every formula she could find, while I just spit it all out with utter disgust. Somebody finally suggested a soy based one and I started eating. 30 years later and I still get nauseated at the idea of drinking a glass of milk.

I do not disagree with you. That particular photo made me think of Slaters though. My favorite is a slider from Starks in the Burg. Second is probably Gem's on 36. Occasionally I"ll go for the thick cut though, sometimes you need a heavy dosing of the meatiness. When I buy it on my own I usually eat the thick cut like