
Can’t take credit for this joke, but he’s just checking to make sure that Liverpool haven’t already conceded again at the other end

No siree, no reason to believe he isn’t in favor or equal rights for LGBTQ people:

I can’t see ESPN suspending him. I feel like the backlash would be too significant. Although maybe they do suspend him simply to drive his ratings even higher.

You know what scifi means right.....?

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

it does really make you think...

Fun facts about College of the Ozarks!

Little Caesars’s COLISEUM! Hello?!?!?!

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

I am so exhausted this morning. I woke up early yesterday to make sure I watched the London game in its entirety, then had to keep watching through the end of SNF just so Trump would know that I disagree with him.

Fitting that this shows up on the day that fucking dipshit evil fucking moron DeVos rolls back rape investigation guidelines.

I hear the course he teaches is quite popular with the football team. Gender Studies 101: How to Prevent Women from Tricking You into Raping Them.

Man, Penn State fucked up!

After reading about how Randolph was treated, and his lawsuit, Betsy DeVos got angry and issued a new nationwide ban on college athletes having access to their medical records, saying, “If Mr. Randolph had never known about his earlier MRI, none of this would’ve happened. If they are never told they’re injured, then

Sadly it’s a bar our current president couldn’t have jumped over; not just because he’s a fat lazy sack of shit that believes that physical activity drains your “life force” but also because he’s racist.

This is media corporate synergy. Rubert Murdoch/Fox own both Fox Sports and WSJ.

We should go ahead and start the VSABS group (Very Smart Atheist Brothas & Sistas). This article is everything I am. We all know about the avoidance and heated discussions instead of a simple “ok” when told we don’t believe. I could tell you I have a severe “skin from the back of the knee” fetish and get some odd