
After all the juvenile, grammatically flawed, big-dick swinging slander they post on that website about Samer, it’s a breath of fresh air to finally see him clap back. Composed, well thought out, and articulate. The same reasons people read Deadspin instead of Barstool in the first place.

This week, the public was treated to a rendition of one of Aesop’s lesser-known fables, The Troll, the Moron, and

I hate thinking about things too.

I say this with the realization that a lot of people hate Letterman but I will watch this show. I always appreciated his instant and obvious loss of interest in bullshitters and phonies. He is why I find Jimmy Fallon’s endless ass kissing so distasteful.

Now playing

Isn’t the scuttlebutt that Donald Trump cheats relentlessly at golf, to a point where it’s a joke? Like over and above how much golfer regularly cheat and say “I shot 80 today”?


Disclaimer: I know nothing about fighting. That said, I don’t see how that guy was getting out of that hold. If it were my brother being choked like that, I’d want the fight called.

Jesus, if you get rattled from one of the most fundamental plays in baseball, then there’s only ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE YOU AND I’M GONNA SPELL IT OU—

Looking forward to this comment section.

A second woman has also recounted disturbing interactions with Richardson. She gave him her phone number in November, after he pulled her over. He stopped her again in January to demand why she had changed it.

When it comes to Boston, “At least he wasn’t screaming racial slurs at the outfielders” is the best we can hope for.

Good, Bill Maher is not the enemy. We need to evolve and focus on people who actively scheme to do us harm. He said the n-word. Shame on him. Now let’s move on.

Versus the confidence that used Audi, BMW, and Mercedes vehicles instill, of course, being the paragons of reliability they are.

Not even with a rented dick.

Chuck Johnson, the floor shitter guy?

I think some of these people are just Trumpites who don’t like being reminded that their Orange Savior is now a laughing stock and possibly a criminal. The real world bleeding into their Fox News/Breitbart Matrix world makes them very uncomfortable.

Great, now Trump uses kinja...

Obama was president, negotiated agreement with Syria, no further chemical weapons were used during his term.

You’re actually an idiot.