
+1 atomic leg drop.

Yes, it is starting to look like that.

“While Eichenwald was able to get the FBI to swoop in on this case, online threats against women continue to go unanswered.”

Fuck you, you are trolling for clickbait title. Oh “I have a family member with it” is the same as “im not racist i have a black friend.”

I don’t think you quite understand how things really work in terms of reviews. For some strange reason, a lot of people have this concept in mind that things can only be the best or the worst, absolutely no middle ground. Just because something doesn’t live up to the highest of standards set out by... well, who the

I don’t know you at all and I’ll give a Jalopniker the benefit of the doubt, but using the word “cuckold” immediately makes me think of basement dwellers with poor social skills and patchy beards. It’s like a compositional fedora.

Yeah, every critique of it I’ve read has been perfectly valid. Still liked it.

But I still didn’t hate it, fight me.

There is a Tumblr that does that and goes one step further and sends the racist info/evidence to their employers. Get Racists Fired or something like that.

Someone should put up a website and track/list the names of these people. You know, for their future employment endeavors.

I hope someone bodyslams Dolan from space into the core of the goddamn earth.

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

I love Dan and hope he enjoys his week off.

The Lebatard Show is consitently the smartest, dumbest, most entertaining show on radio

Sage Steele is a piece of shit. She posts her hot takes all time on social media.

“If the reverse of this movie was made, I bet you snowflakes would be crying racism.”

Burn the entire fucking Democratic Party to the ground so we can start over.

Love those new Rocket Mortgage commercials that basically come out and say “Do It! Quick! Push the little ‘Sign Here’ button on your phone before you think too much about getting a mortgage via a phone app!”

Except if you’re a Royals fan like me and fucking devastated. The thing about living in a city like this, in a ‘small market’, is most of us have a real connection to these players. Like they’re family. We see them out on the town and we don’t bother them all the time. They don’t need security when they go to a

This is absolutely horrible. Gutted. He will be truly missed.