
Keep fighting the good fight!

Really? He seems absolutely fine in this exchange. You can tell pretty early on that he got the crazy vibe from her crazy texts, so he backed off and was just hoking. He was never disrespectful and didn’t ghost her. He. . . seems fine?

-R. Kellyanne

Uh, I would actually believe he’s just trying to not fall over.

Jesus, 26-20 at halftime.

Let’s be honest: those goofy scratch off tickets and fake keys that are mainstays of traveling circus shitshows like OnPoint and Redline are sleazy and are very effective at producing streams of irritated people that believe that they actually won something, all in the hopes that 0.5% of them will turn out to be


Sofia and the Satanic Temple need to get together on this one. Fuck Nick Loeb.

Bomani Jones is a quality sports fan

Just a quick reminder of their refreshingly sane tenets (from the membership page- only $25! I know what I’m getting my friends for Xmas now):

Oh, and before anyone bitches about the vertical-oriented video, just remember, this guy was getting charged by a hippo, not re-making Citizen Kane. You’ll live.

Nobody being injured here? Are you a little black girl living in West Virginia?

I think doing what we can to make the worst stuff public at least helps at the margins to make it slightly less acceptable. It’s good to see that at least some people face consequences for saying disgusting things like that nowadays, even while a lot of others are getting away with it. It’s not like their replacements

It’s a forum to call them out and get them out of office. There’s actual action that can be had here for the better instead of letting them get away with it by keeping it local.

Now playing

Jetsons is the only answer. For those who won’t click a link...

Closer to 18%, but yeah.

Is this the first ever case of an athlete firing a sponsor? It’s awesome.

I took it seriously.

I would...if anyone from Blue Bell or General Mills got sent to jail for a year, too. Yeah, yeah, they’re not HQ’d in California. Still...