
How do you get out of bed in the morning?

No you don’t. You’ve demonstrated the opposite in this very comment section. When you lie, that makes you a liar. And liars go to, well, you already know where you are going. Sorry!

The irony of your “show a little respect” thing coming from someone as hateful as you is pretty funny. Thanks for the LOLs!

We’ve already sorted this out. The prime mover was Allah, not Jesus. (Now how Allah doesn’t require a prime mover is another topic for when you’ve passed the 5th grade.) But Allah got got, so no more Allah. We are on our own. Act accordingly.

Jesus is a construct to keep people down, aka, just another chain.


uh oh, someone is triggered cuz there ain’t enough sports takes. You gonna be ok, bro?

Oooooh let’s see a picture of you taking the tissue test!

Here we have some casual racism from Michael Harriot...

You have to give it to white women. They are prompt, if nothing else. Mostly nothing else.

I wonder when the USA will get the best basketball and baseball players? Obviously promotion/relegation is what we need in the NBA and MLB.

Bill Haisley writes 87,000 words about nothing.

You have to give it to white women. They are prompt, if nothing else. Mostly nothing else.

Waaaaaa waaaaa! This precious snowflake done got triggered!!!!

Katherine, you must be a ton of fun at parties. :/

to blast jingles from his parked truck between 7:45-9:00 PM

Right? This shouldn’t even be a story because it happens to other people.

This is dumb.

Nobody has ever accused me of pulling any weapon on them...

Trump has Ken Doll sex parts.