
Breitbart wants you back!!!1

Yes it’s a bunch of hooey. People use this hooey to drain money from those who have little, but you can’t find positive in reality so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Awwww butt hurt and wrong is no way to go through life, young child. Did you see where that fight was stopped? Because of course it was. But thanks for playing!

Awwww butt hurt and wrong is no way to go through life, young child. Did you see where that fight was stopped? Because of course it was. But thanks for playing!

Awwww butt hurt and wrong is no way to go through life, young child. Did you see where that fight was stopped? Because of course it was. But thanks for playing!

I’ve been around since UFC 1, but please spend some more sentences telling me about how it shouldn’t have been stopped because that’ll change absolutely nothing. Thanks for playing!

Awwww butt hurt and wrong is no way to go through life, young child. Did you see where that fight was stopped? Because of course it was. But thanks for playing!

I don’t get it. Are the 2 people involved in the production of this article and that tweet children? Bullpen cars aren’t new.

The point is that dude was done and was starting to see stars. Ref stopped it. It was a good stop.

I wash watching the fight where dude was about to swallow his tongue and then the ref stopped it. As he should have done. You must have been watching something else. But thanks for the comment!

Stadiums in the United States are always unprepared for international soccer matches. ALWAYS. Too little on-field security.

No it wasn’t. He was done. He was about to go to sleep. It was a good fight. This is a manufactured controversy.

I must have been watching a different fight because guy was about to go to sleep. He was done. Perfectly timed stoppage, in my opinion.

Garbage. These things are GARBAGE.

Garbage. These things are GARBAGE.


As a man, I have no experience with this sort of behavior from law officers and therefore don’t believe it for a second.

Good. Reza Aslan is a dick, so he and Trump have things in common.

Translation: Wow! I constantly have racist on my mind so I assume others do as well!