
Sigh... looks like another child is using his parent’s internet machine. Where have the adults gone?

You don’t know how to internet and your failures could be libelous. Please ask an adult to help you.

Jesus taught me forgiveness.

Because of the free services your mom provides in those cities?

You should go stand in the corner and pout.

You precious little thing. How do you get out of bed in the morning?

Religious people are nuts. Thank goodness there are soooo many! :/

Someone should put up a website and track/list the names of these people. You know, for their future employment endeavors.

Yes yes of course these stories from Dolan’s people are perfectly believable! Suckers like you are why the Dolans of the world exist.


I’m still trying to figure out how MSNBC failed to shut down Melissa Harris Perry? Is she on tv somewhere that I’m missing?

My neighborhood is within 2 miles of five golf clubs

You watched the clip and clicked on the link to this story - you and all of these other folks are ready to give her attention. Blame yourself.

Big question surrounding this is will Megyn bring one of her favorites along with her - Mark Fuhrman. She loves to talk to him about black people, which is odd given Mark’s documented use of the n-word.

Sorry you flunked out of RapeU.

Stop with the writing. You are embarrassing yourself and your university, aka, rapeU. On second thought, please write more!

So you KU folks sure are something.

You write like shit and your opinions are shit. A KU education must be cheap, eh?

You can take as many steps as you want on a ft attempt.