
HAAHA!!! Dems do this every time and the GOP eats their lunch. They won’t get shit. They never get shit. Get up get get get down DNC is a joke in yo town.

Haahaha!!! LOLOL!!! They won’t get shit. Anything but complete and total non-compliance with this administration by the Democrats is a failure

This is how it always plays out... idiot Dems play ball with the R’s when the R’s are in power, R’s proceed to do whatever they want and the idiot Dems feign outrage. Lather rinse repeat.

Shouldn’t Susan Sarandon be in DC for Trump’s house fire tomorrow?

Worth noting: Rob Schneider is also an anti-vaxxer.

I don’t see a travel.

How much money does this make/lose? I will set the early betting line to lose all the moneys.

OMG they were called names?!? Over a basketball game?!?!??!!

I wonder if he cares you avoid him. Get on that dating app and find out!

Rich, what in the fuck is this? He wasn’t interested. She goes waaay sideways by shitting on him in a podcast? Who does that? He is a celeb so I don’t blame him one bit for releasing their text exchange to set the record straight.

Oh Hachi. You had so much potential in high school. And now look. You’ve become a parody of yourself. LOL! No one longs for you. Sad!

Guy isn’t perfect and an internet of couch-dwellers shit on him? Yeah, that is Trump’s America. Way to go Jezey’s!

wd40 ain’t oil, that is why it didn’t fix the squeak for very long after you applied it.  

This is dumb. Why on earth did I click on this?

Right? They shouldn’t have any healthcare. Let them healthcare on each other, feed em bags of “food”, etc. That Arizona sheriff agrees with you!

I hope you play in traffic. Often.

Yeah, I want to bone him too.

Yeah, I hear ya, I want to bone him too.