
That’s not how any of this works.

Oh shut up. Talib is fun. This is fun. Stop trying to ruin it.


statute of limitations should be lifted on sex crimes, because they sure don’t seem to really exist for other crimes

Can I discount Rhonda yet? How about now?


It is ok that you love Bush Jr. and are a fan of his presidency up to and including all of it. Good for you!

Great movie!

Headline Writer Writes Headlines Good That Some Are Think.

most punchable face in Washington

Perhaps Chutes and Ladders is more your speed?

The structure of professional leagues just make no sense

Hard to read this post as the writing is simply absurd, but congrats to Oscar. This is the best money he could hope to sign for given his stalled growth as a player.  

It is a movie. You should have problems with maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany other things that would warrant a few thousand words on your blog before this.

Not that I’m advocating fur

Also not supporting fur

Luis Suarez is #1 on that list, so go ahead and bump everyone else down a notch. Thanks!

Ooooh yes, please feed me more! Give me more reasons to smile when Arsenal lose.

Taylor Royal

Snow football is the funnest football.