
Jason Bourne has a young female playing a prominent role and that movie is GARBAGE.

Tilda Swinton: Oppressor. Sorry Tilda! You haven’t figured out how to fix history? Make sure you don’t ask anyone for help because that is bad! 

Crossfitter identified!

Something tells me that these guys figured it out...

Boomer sucking off the Jersey State troopers sounds like an old man.

Your mom services rooms at trump properties? I didn’t see that in the story tho. :(

of course they did? why are any nba teams booking rooms at trump properties?

You precious flower.

Your lawsuit has no chance unless you have standing, which is someone in Texas who is also a member of your religious group, claiming they have been or will be impacted. IANAL.

one piece of trash human being shoots another

Just saying.

Stef Schrader is a reddit user, apparently. Feel free to cite your source, Stef.

Justin T. Westbrook is a reddit user, apparently. Feel free to cite your source, Justin.

You Ohio State people are really dumb.

HA! You are ok with child rape when a priest does it. Sorry you are Catholic as well. :(

“just saying” ... the calling card of many dumb points. Thanks!

LOL! I was wondering where you were going... does Loco mention the systematic child rape of the Catholic Church? NOPE! Loco instead attempts to do a Trump... taking your own negative and putting it on another. Squirrel! Nice try. :)

A more useful path for the Catholic Church to join the modern age would be for it to simply go away. Sell off all of its assets and give that insane pile of money to the poor and then just go away.

How are all of the reports of this missing the very obvious part of the picture where all 3 dbags are making the sign language “K” with their hands?

You must be someone who wouldn’t be injured by these points-of-view being held by people in positions of power over you. That must be a nice privileged position to be in!