This is the kind of logical paradox Captain Kirk used to destroy that computer that was running a planet on that one episode that I can’t remember the name of
This is the kind of logical paradox Captain Kirk used to destroy that computer that was running a planet on that one episode that I can’t remember the name of
I got to say that sentence once but they were pot dealers.
Street Sharks! part of the mid 1990's “uhhhh kids like ninja turtles right? they’ll love any g d mutated animal action cartoon, probably” movement.
For me this is the moment that really crystallized that Kobe absolutely knows what he is doing to this team and... Holy Shit.... Are we still doing conspiracy theories. Because I now have one
That’s fine and all.
The Mugsy story makes the most sense to me... but I always thought his career was ruined by the Monstars.
They were also required to hire an “anti-profiling consultant.”
Two Corinthians One Trump is the next viral video.
I was thinking they’ve paid full price for shake a lot of times.
unlike weed you would need to smoke a whole “blunt” of it to get high
Bear down, Leonardo’s bear
So, this isn’t a mural from the Pawnee, IN courthouse?
I keep saying that True Detective season one was successful DESPITE the writing, not because of it.