*Russell Wilson composing his next WCW tweet*
*Russell Wilson composing his next WCW tweet*
Do you have the link for this? Would love to see the full article that has this chart/more detail
I’m guessing that so many people don’t tip because Uber’s policy says “there’s no need to tip”: https://help.uber.com/h/1be144ab-609…
If it makes Pescatelli feel better, Schumer was accused of stealing a Patrice O’Neal joke so you know...there’s that?
My only complaint is not using “lichrally” instead of “litchrally” because a Lich and Revenant are interchangeable terms and I’m a nerd for weird names for undead things and I’ll just see myself out.
1. Does no one simply ask anyone out, anymore? Yes, obviously. There are plenty of people who don’t date online at all
Now all I want is a buddy cop movie starring Kristaps and Boban
Never trust what anyone has to say if they don’t have lips, like the three dudes in the video
From the Uber website re:tipping:
You know...maybe there is something to those Hunger Games I keep hearing about
The hispanic world wants to know:
Gredo? ;)
I thought “The Fall” was either a Netflix original or a continuation
Scalia was the first Italian-American appointed (2nd was Alito) and the 8th Roman Catholic. With that context, the affirmitative action “Let’s get a person of Italian extraction” makes a lot of sense. It was a great way to appeal to a large group of conservatives.
You know a B-movie is good if Ironside is missing and/or loses a limb in it
I think they’re referring to this line in the post “Common decency would require any onlooker—especially ones who are security professionals—to attempt to intervene while witnessing an attack.“
He said a lot of stupid shit, and then buried under that mountain of shit was this:
When Marshawn said he was “bout that action” I didn’t think he meant it literally
Fun fact for all the “But...but...but there’s no problem with no black people being in it because it was the Golden Age of Hollywood” types.