
stating she killed her mom

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Dr. Disrespect more than likely knows that there’s no way his game, which probably can’t be anything more than AA title, won’t be able to compete with Call of Duty.

But it gets eyes on his project, so yeah. And I guess being a shit is his whole personality so...whatever.


Very disappointed with the NFT shit cause it otherwise maybe has promise.

about damned time he pulls out of something...

It’s not like rage and overreaction is the thing people like him feed on and rely on to remain relevant!

It’s hard to believe that a man who’s the personification of toxic masculinity and capitalism could ever rape someone.

What?  How could anyone ever think ol’ Roidy McSwindleton could ever be a rapist?  I’m positively aghast.

Cept that’s not at all how it works.

Balanced representation doesn’t mean there are no sexualized characters. It just means that there are an equal number of non-sexualized characters. In the latter category, Overwatch has Brigitte, Mei, Pharah, Ana, Ashe, Sojourn, Moira, Sombra, Orisa and Zarya. Of course, if your definition of “sexualized” is “wears


I love embracing my inner bimbo as much as anyone else, but when stiletto-heeled women with nipped waists are the only representation we have in video games, it reduces an entire gender into a repressive stereotype.

Well, let’s see what happens when VR gets big, like - really big in the future. I’m sure people will mostly pick airbrushed sex symbols or cute creatures as their avatars. Some hipsters will use avatars that don’t conform to the stereotypical beauty values but when they get less job offers and social contacts they

Hollywood accounting is notoriously absolutely opaque. On paper she could be paid that but either monetary or, potentially more valuable to an actor, a handshake deal for an upcoming project can be done with no official paper trail.

See: Paid her a bunch of money

Or perhaps it was a dump truck of money.  After all, she’s not made of stone.

didn’t The Joker end up making enough money to please the corporate overlords based on the cringe memes of alt-right psychos?

^This is more or less where I am. It’s obvious what they want to do, and how this tool is meant to facilitate it, but it’s so ham-fisted in an unnecessary way that would be far better served by simply ensuring your teams were actually diverse.

I must really be out of touch with the Soulsborne community. I read ~30 of the tweets, didn’t identify with any one of them the slightest. Not sure if that’s good or bad.

No it’s not supposed to be cross-playable with Overwatch 1. The original announcement is that it would replace Overwatch 1 for everyone, free of charge. And you would pay for the PVE missions.