
Why I have zero sympathy for victims of crypto scams: These people are out there simply begging to be scammed. In fact, the majority are hoping to be on the ground floor of scams in hopes of selling their worthless crap before the bottom drops out.

Can’t wait for the handful of crypto dorks to roll in here talking about how Kotaku never says anything nice about NFTs and no one understand their potential except for them and it’s all so unfair because how are they ever going to become fake crypto Pokémon pyramid scheme landlords if people know that it’s just a

Seriously? Kotaku is going to write an article criticizing Twitch streamers covering something THE ENTIRE GOD DAM WORLD IS TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!?!

I don’t think anyone has ever gotten ahead in life bc they wear $120 sneakers (that are essentially the same damn thing as $25 sneakers except for the brand name.)

This article is too positive.  Don’t you have someone on staff who can snarkily bag on it instead?

Can someone tell me what’s so appealing about licking a microphone? I legitimately do not understand anything about this woman or why she’s so popular.

Honestly, I find her hustle-and-grind content more unbearable than any of her "controversies". She worked hard for her money, and it sounds like she's thought about how she'll invest it, but why does she have to then talk about it on social media like it's something praiseworthy? Good for her, but it's not like what

Everything on OnlyFans leaks. So I don’t blame her leaving.

She is 90% plastic 

I’m so sick of this person showing up on kotaku. 


I think it’s fair to say that this movie was great *because* of Whedon and not in spite of him. I know it’s in vogue to declare that the guy is an irredeemable monster and dismiss all of his strengths as a result, but he is an incredible talent who has produced a lot of top-tier work.

I know you’re being sarcastic but the replies to this are insane. All these people are really mad that others make money from streaming.

There’s 6 million+ streamers on Twitch.  For every massive asshole like this guy there are 1000 “real folk”.  You just don’t hear about those people all the time because they’re not going viral with their misogyny and racism.

I don’t know that I’m with you there. The flat surfaces and chunky textures actually look really nice with the detail of a properly raytraced/pathtraced lighitng engine on top. I actually think raytracing does a lot less for modern games that already had very well art designed (but a lot more “fake”) versions of what

Quake 2 being id’s best single player game is a corona of the sun level hot take. Doom plays a hell of a lot better today.

A statement after a bill is signed is completely worthless.  You are complicit if you wait until after a bill is signed.

I’ll take “opaque bullshit that Twitch continues to pull with zero transparency or accountability because of their near-unchallenged market leader position” for 400, Alex.

wut? Pepe is used literally everywhere on Twitch in every single chatroom nearly? It has not been Co-opted by the extreme-right. It was attempted to be co-opted and imo failed.

In my over 30 years as a gamer(video and table top), I will say the one “group” of gamers that is almost always infested with MRA fascist asshole, in my experience, is anyone really into Ancient Rome and gladiators. Not everyone who likes that stuff but it just seems like more in that group then any other, even