
Honestly, studies have pretty reliably shown that top-down change is actually effective. It’s just that change at the top basically never happens.

“Honestly, I think it’s very commendable and admirable that Rae is trying to branch out of gaming. I just think that the blue light stuff is a little bit iffy.”

But see, according to many in this comment section, having to connect to Facebook overrides any feature or quality of life advantage the Quest 2 may have.

What’s funny is he makes fun of you specifically in the special. If you watched the entire special (sounds like you didn’t) and came away with, “Dave is transphobic”, then I don’t know what you were watching. I laughed, I cried, I empathized with multiple parties. This was stand-up at its highest level and i pity you

I’ve watched the special multiple times and I’m not hearing where the offense is coming from. Is it because he claimed to be team TERF? How is that harmful to you or anyone else? You disagree with him, he disagrees with you. We’re entering a territory of sterilization. Actually, he kind of called out what would

Work emails, you fucknuts.

Wearing almost no clothing while humping blowup animals in hot tubs and licking a fake “ear” which, if you close your eyes, sounds exactly like a blowjob, is basically porn. Call it what you want, but the thousands of dudes watching her stream are watching it to get a nut off. They know it and she knows it.

So I have an honest question for all the people that watch her.   You all know the internet has porn right?    

Now playing

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it agin: “Cancel Culture” isn’t real. At best it’s right wing newspeak designed to frame the wealthy and powerful as the real victims and that they should not suffer for consequences for their actions. At worst it’s a grift already famous people pull to drum up attention for their

No shit. It’s like the perfect clickbait. Controversial topic that they can plaster a picture of an attractive woman on. It’s still trash tabloid-quality content.

So person infamous for seemingly trying to get banned deliberately and has been banned multiple times before gets banned again?

Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit

These figures are missing a lot of information. A bunch of different revenue streams are missing from my understanding. Not to mention “hot tub streamers” drive traffic off Twitch’s platform and generate the majority of their revenue from other platforms like Onlyfans.

I realise this, but the box in the pic above is unambiguously designed to look like a PlayStation box.

I am arguing that netflix shouldn’t pay to assist in streaming costs. The way that the internet works is: 1) Things exist on the internet. 2) People would like to access those things on the internet so they pay 3) ISPs who provide them with internet service they want.

It’s actually MUCH worse that your hypothetical. It’s suing a business that becomes popular because the people who pay to USE the toll roads are using them a LOT because they keep coming to that one business. 

No you should argue that these companies shouldn’t have to pay. The business model ISPs use is for their customers to gain access to the internet. Period. It should stay that way.

I’d highly recommend reading the article linked in this one. It’s a bit more thorough. This article is just a fucking hit piece that cherry picks the absolute worst takes on the whole situation.

So 6 years ago we think he:

It’s possible your friend isn’t very smart.