
If you think this shit isn’t wayyyyy more common off stream than it is on stream you’re absolutely lying to yourself.

And that’s on Twitch alone. I imagine there’s another million or two at least on YouTube.

Professional sports remains the most watched form of entertainment on the planet. Tell me more about how you don’t understand people watching something they could just go do themselves.

It looks cool. If that admittedly subjective take is too much at the very least it’s a genuinely interesting effect akin to Minecraft with shaders. Maybe lighten up and enjoy things without overanalyzing them to death.

But then again, Q2 is the best single player game Id ever made by far

Correct. I guarantee Twitch cut him a settlement check.

If that were the case, Beahm would be free and clear to say whatever he wants about the ban and Twitch’s alleged breach of contract since he’d have no need to keep it under wraps and no NDA/contract to worry about maintaining.

Not this bullshit pearl clutching again...


Exactly. That’s all most reasonable people really want.

m. This is a tough one. At a glance, yeah, there are just way too many similarities for it not to be a copy, right? But when you consider how logos are often designed it gets a bit less clear. Didn’t see myself playing devil’s advocate for a designer working for Capcom but here we go.

As someone who stepped off this pointless Destiny treadmill a while back I can safely say you made the right choice.

I assure you they can certainly do something. They just don’t want to.

Playing the game to earn in-game items? What a revolutionary concept.

Yeah I’m not sure what so many people are cheering about. I mean it’s great that Kotick will get the boot...but that’s about it. And even he’s falling with a massive golden parachute, as the article mentions. Not the fate he deserves.

I mean, I wasn’t earning millions from my middle school shit in front of tens of thousands of viewers daily and millions of followers.

Contrary to popular belief, success in industries like this has never been about effort or some amazing foresight. It’s mostly luck and timing.

As a digital artist myself I keep trying to explain this to NFT defenders but they don’t get it.

Or if you’re just using it to launder money or inflate this fake market for your own future profit anyway. Which is what like 75% of this shit is.

We do not live in a world where anyone with any sense should ever feel even remotely sorry for someone being fucked out of $3.5M spent on goddamn Pokemon cards.