
Speaking from experience in the betas, you’re about to hit a wall in terms of substance pretty soon here. The game quickly becomes a material collectathon and grindfest because there’s frankly not much else to do right now but a boring, paper thin story with repetitive quests you eventually may find yourself sick of

Unless I’m reading this wrong, and I don’t think I am, this isn’t actually any different than the old response as far as we know so far.


100%. All of that.


Yes. It sucks to hear or say, but yes.

I mean maybe I’m confused on the wording of the whole complaint but it seems quite a few employees were participating in this “frat boy” culture for an extended period of time. Hell, it took a third party investigation to surface this.

It’s pretty amusing that the company stance here is that this is all perfectly well and good and empowering and whatever else yet yall couldn’t use the uncensored pic for the article.

I see what you did there.

As The Verge points out, the seemingly arbitrary iOS restriction likely serves a purpose: to comply with Apple’s strict rules around potentially objectionable content and age ratings.

Since you seem so adamant in defense of this in your comments, let’s break down how Twitch makes money...

Well, my PS4, PS3, XBO, and 360 are all just kind of sitting on a shelf now. Not really sure what I’ll do with any of them. I feel like consoles aren’t as collectible and meaningful as they once were.

A 3080 is not required to play it. A 2080 is more than adequate according to their own recommendations. So why would they delay it for that? Like others have pointed out, this was absolutely because of last gen optimization.

I had the exact same thought powering on my PS5 for the first time.

I’m about 6 or 7 hours in (minus a good 5 hours of dicking around) and I basically have two main characters in this game.

I played about an hour of Spider-Man when I got my PS5 before someone reminded me of the trigger thing happening while swinging. I had to go back and pay attention to really notice it. Then after several more hours of constant swinging around I can’t say my fingers felt any different than they normally would.

That’s been my main issue with Valhalla since it was announced. I knew they were going to do the usual AC game thing and sugarcoat the hell out of Vikings, turning them into ‘the good guys’.

I’m going to give you the benefit of doubt and assume someone with a screw attack icon for an avatar posting on Kotaku was trolling with this comment. But I’ll answer anyway.

I guarantee you this was a licensing thing on Nike’s end. Obviously they had no issue going with a name brand and Sony has had a deal with Nike for Spider-Man before. This tells me they just weren’t willing to cough up the arm and leg Nike was probably asking for that official Jordan license in a game.

Gotta love how these articles always bring out such valuable input in the form of countless comments saying, “I can wait.” or “It’s no big deal, my card still handles everything I play just fine.” or “I only play *insert indie title* these days anyway.”