
It’s perfectly fine with me that few people talk unless they need to. Mainly because it’s text chat and I’m not there to type out a whole conversation. I’m just mindlessly running through enemies and areas. The only reason I group up is for the assistance/to lend a hand myself. If I want to jump on and chat about

I dig Zelda’s final look.

I’d personally prefer the announcer from dubbed DBZ giving me directions.

Now playing

Destiny, a video game in which you can see mountains and then go there.

Comment away. This is supposed to be a place for frank discussion, and you certainly aren’t wrong in your observation. Kotaku regularly gives a pass—at most, a finger wag and an “oh, you!”—to Japanese games and media for shit that gets ripped apart in Western productions. The only true difference here swaying the

I’m probably on my way to this, too.

Yes. Although he doesn’t seem to mind you knowing that.

My thoughts, exactly.

Down here some call the mixed folk who do that “passe blanc” (pass for white).

Oh they’ve sorted it out.

Well, based on the Twitter responses alone, as with basically every social issue brought up online, probably 75% of the people up in arms over this dickhead’s dumbass ‘joke’ are also white dudes.

Careful. You’re going to bring out the “Why does everyone need fast internet?!” crowd the last article riled up.

Man, I sure am glad I live here in good ol’ America where corporations certainly never do basically everything this guy is accused of on literally a daily basis.

8 and a quarter here.

Same thing I was thinking when I saw that other clip.

The fact that this received 48 stars (as of this reply) is the problem with issues like these. Too many people on both sides are just as misinformed yet convinced they have a firm understanding of the subject.

No one is talking about Samsung phones, because Samsung did not announce a single phone at the event.

These are people who literally subsist on attention. Everything is for clicks, views, likes, subscriptions.

The Zealots out here will picket just about everything.

Because it’s Shane Black.