
Fair enough, but I kind of refuse to believe that's the best humanity can muster for such a device. We're just too preoccupied with spending insane amounts of time and money on dumb shit like holy wars and global sporting events in locations that barely have the infrastructure to support their residents.


Well, yeah, if that's the type of claim you're going to make. Considering E3—the show itself—is not. They welcome whoever and whatever games. They don't really give a shit. If 90% of the new games coming out had female leads you think they'd only show the other 10%? That's preposterous.

Yep. I mean they are perfectly free to make those choices. Just as the consumer is free to not support them.

Sploid made the gif of the video. Hence the watermark. You know, in case someone else decided to repost this shitty gif elsewhere, people would know where it came from.


If this means there's any chance he'll lose the team without getting basically paid off with 2 BILLION GODDAMNED DOLLARS for being an insufferable bigot, great!

Ugh. A nightmare come true. Him scrambling to hit all the buttons is probably more than most would immediately think to do in a situation like that.

Wow. Way to look a cliffhorse in the mouth...

Some of my friends and I strongly considered that casting call. The park is basically around the corner from my parents' house. Hell, I was very briefly an employee there about a year after it reopened as Six Flags after Jazzland shut down.

No, you shouldn't. It's right up there with calling everything a "hack."

I look out the window or walk outside. Usually the native (also the common sense) in me can pick up rain hours away. If I need to plan ahead any further I ask my phone for a forecast.

So at launch the console isn't even powerful enough to support its own accessory without games taking a considerable hit. Neat.

So wait, slow down...DON'T let a bear in my car?

Thank Christ someone else wasn't about to let that ridiculous study slide by...too bad this will get buried in favor of promoting the far more sensational original article's bullshit. This is how people end up believing crap like all those phony dietary studies.

This video takes me back. Im at that age that grew up along with the internet.

Our educational systems haven't completely failed yet.

If the owners of the shared bike did not try to prevent users from putting this device, which to a reasonable person, increases the potential for injury to occur, they would be liable for the inevitable claim for the child that cracked his head open when, for whatever reason, it happened.

So wait, when Apple copies an existing idea it's them "trying to kill" competition it but when any other company does it, it's ripping off someone else's idea?

Is this seriously what you think?