
Yeah, this is really not that big of a deal. But people don't call marathoners insufferable or pretentious for no reason.

Ever run down a hill? You can sprint like a cheetah down the levees here...but it will completely destroy your body. This isn't quite as steep but this guy was definitely feeling it the next day.

Way to read.

Who the hell is picking logos for these huge international events? They are not just occasionally but *consistently* terrible.

As others have pointed out, in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) the X-Men and Spider-Man do not currently exist, due to restrictions based on contracts Sony and Fox have for those characters/storylines.

Sorry, chief, but no.

I've tried over the years but it is just nearly impossible for me to force myself to care about any of the Star Wars expanded universe. Especially the animated stuff.

And if there IS, I will straight-up lose my shit.

Already got a good look in spoilery shots of the toys that are coming alongside the movie. I gotta say, the toy version of the other monster makes it look kinda dumb.

If I knew they were dumping more of my tax dollars into sheer badassery like this than what our taxes usually go towards, I'd be OK with that.

The "rebranding" it needs is for everyone to stop trying so hard to brand it.

I can sing along to the entire thing. It's one of the few songs to which I remember every single word.

I was all ready to point out more selective memory and revisionist history from the fine folks here at Gizmodo but judging from the other comments, I don't have to.

I did the same when it first came out. Didn't really see the appeal.

Voted PC. I was surprised to see it so far ahead on this site, considering the relative console focus.

Beliefs that are attacks on logic and scientific reasoning are just that, attacks.

I always LOVED the plot revelation of this movie. I remember it just coming completely out of nowhere when I first saw it. And it's just so weirdly..."realistic." For lack of a better term. No fancy beam of light, just *poof* off you go.

I've been saying this for years but it always get ignored under a pile of sob stories about how unfairly paid waters are.

Before the iPhone, you know where Apple got their idea? The countless touchscreen devices (of admittedly varying yet steadily growing degrees of quality and popularity) that existed before. Often apparently forgotten by people who write articles like these.

Yeah, actually it is a little bit on the reckless side. He's flying a fairly large, fast RC plane around occupied public streets and buildings. The simplest mistake could have seriously injured someone or at the very least caused a fair amount of property damage.