
Sure. It’s less accurate (98% dice game vs. ~75% school shootings, I’m generously speculating for discussions sake), but I don’t think people should, or that (speaking for just my sliver of observation of Brooklyn’s) people are offended by either assumption, excepting obvious and/or professional extremists / trolls.

Only if you’re REALLY into your yogurt and cheeses and, I dunno, cottage cheese probably? I’d imagine...SFAF

What was this ‘railtoaf’ you speak of?

Racist theory? We (The US& Western government entities) DEFINITELY created ISIS, and you’re proving his point.

But did you get the tomato reference?  I had to Google it, not gonna lie, but almost hafta respect his dedication to the bit.  Almost.

Don’t feed the troll. This is indeed Tomato Face, getting more and more desperate to find obscure tomato references for us to sniff out.

I’m fairly certain Joe lost the 2106 election you refer to due to his perishing in the great “Cylon-Racist Floating Head purge of 2105".

You can stop wondering; that’s not how judgeships work. A judge is (s-/)elected to, for instance, a certain district’s criminal courts and sits for their entire term presiding over criminal cases (though in NY, for example, ‘civil judges’ do sit in family and criminal courts, they don’t generalay switch back and forth

Plenty of good and true here but JUST STAMP with the 1500 “missing” kids BULLSHIT - You’re feeding into everything the right says (& vice versa incidentally) about not caring about facts, and just parroting fake news talking points to score points off.

Ok, well when NAMBLA babes their newsletter after your dog, uses your own words as headers for long opinion&provocationpieces and generally uses your identity and likeness constantly as the pinnacle of Man-Boy Love..

*more Fake beef

They say jump, viewers say “....wut?.... niggers and Jews with their fake figures and news...”

Remember when Kanye was all “Shut up Austin Powers BARACK OBAMA DOESN’T CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE”.

I’m fairly certain by ‘other’ he’s referring to withholding/unilaterally imposing ‘reimbursement tariffs’ on trade goods and other exchanges with Mexico.

See also 4chan, Autistic powers.

No, I hate it, and I’ve never in my long and densely populated life met another Spanish- or Portuguese- speaking or descendent who felt any differently.

Don’t be silly. Trump already had a catch phrase, and has for over a decade now, you’d THINK all real patriots would’ve learned it.

Right? Like think even a little about the million ways this could and would go wrong constantly, and for what?

I’m seriously terrified by how swiftly and thoroughly they managed to get EVERY blog and news outlet to label this first Pizzagate (what a silly nonsense name, must be crazy stuff) and then ‘fake news’when the emails, obviously coded terms used in them and the highly suspicious activities they suggest are decidedly