
If not for the overtly racist greys IContainMultitudes wouldn’t have anyone here to intellectually best on occasion.

Facts matter. A white guy voicing a black cartoon character is not objectively harmful by any stretch of the imagination.

You can’t excuse your hypocrisy so you just call me dumb. Typical.

It feels like pieces like this are the result of the author processing, very publicly, the fact that a show she felt it was very important to defend didn’t turn out to be very good.  

If it’s wrong for white men to voice indian men, then clearly the same logic should be applied to any instance of black men voicing a white man.

So white men cant voice indian men but women can voice young boys?

While they can speak to similar issues of representation, I’m not sure Azaria voicing Apu (and the question of whether voice actors need to match, loosely or precisely, the ethnicity or background of their characters) actually relates much to changing the backgrounds or traits of a live action character (you could be

Thanks! Didn’t know this was streaming.

It’s almost like some people find certain things funny, while others don’t.

The only one I’ve seen much off is Louis CK. I like some of his stuff. Most, if not all comics I like aren’t consistently funny. It’s the nature of the game.

Well, Han Solo is not just a smuggler. He’s one of the heroes of Yavin 4 and somewhere between the end of A New Hope and the opening of Empire, he is granted the rank of captain in the Rebellion. The fact that he’s made a general in Jedi is, sure a bit of a plot hole, but it’s not an inconsistency in his character.

I guess I made you so angry that you accidentally double posted? Chill, it’s just a (bad) movie.

At least in boxing, those trying to knock their opponents unconscious are roughly the same size.

Eh, idk man. The same violent mentality is present - my younger cousin played four years of “varsity” football for his tiny Class D (The smallest class, in Maine!) football team, and going to virtually every game and many practices, the sport just shouldn’t exist. Every season involved no less than half a dozen

In football, you win by giving EVERYONE a series of very small brain injuries for a very long time, and only occasionally a traumatic one.

If only there was a group of Klingons, only nastier with biotech that could really challenge the Republic’s resources.

How about a race of Force immune reptilians with organic ships?  They can drop moons on people.

Why do they have to be stars? Let’s come up with something that super cool that, like, kills stars. It’s a star killer. That’d be badass.

The Force-Fed

His tears are pure Fiji Water™.