
However, there is the flip side of the coin. A couple people have done this to me and I honestly had no clue why they would do that. It didn’t really affect me other than, “wow, what’s eating her?”. So this technique could potentially not have the desired effect.

Life’s too short to make small talk with assholes.

Ha ha ha haa very nice. I see the girls who were nasty and who made fun of my body when I was in high school when I’m home sometimes-and in my mid-30s I’m about the same as I was when I was 16, which is not exactly model-like, but average at this point. And I see these people who were nasty petty a-holes and they now

I have a couple friends from high school I still talk to, but the rest I plan never to see again.

Nonsense, stuff like this happens all over SoCal!

“Congratulations! You’ve won an all-expense paid vacation for two to Fhloston Paradise, courtesy of Radio Cooooooosmooooooos!”

Kids aren't born like this. You make them like this.

Team AndTheMotherToo

Yup. This lovely little sociopath is a shining example of everything that is wrong with America.

I wish every day was some other religion’s religious holiday(where I don’t have to work).

I like to call this one “Culture Clash”.

They disappear into the same parallel universe that socks teleport to in the dryer. This is known.


Anything that tastes that bad and makes you shit red can not be good for humans.

I think they’ll start to gain traction, we just have to get things rolling. Don’t be so deflated.

One could say that they wheely wanted some new wheels.

That’s very sad when someone has to scrounge a few dollars worth of cans to supplement their paltry wages. Shame on you, WalMart.

Well, the $2 may mean the difference for that store’s profit goals this quarter.

I assume their thinking is that they don’t want to start a precedent of employees digging through all of the store’s trash looking for cans and bottles to recycle. I can kind of sort of see that making sense, but firing someone over it (especially an ex-convict with very limited job opportunities) is the straight-up