
Take pictures. I am sure someone has a fetish site for that.

Let's be honest here: There is NO need to waste food in the first place!

Because bread is cheaper then paper towels?

Well then the solution is to deep fry the bacon grease soaked bread before serving right?

Circa 1986/87 ->

it's because insurance fraud involve a corporation. Killing someone involves a person, thus worth less.

Or what it means to be assholes.

Utah and the idiots who cry government over-reach.

do tell your story!

Well, would it still be a chocolate cake if it was some guy dry humping her daughter or if it was some guy DH'ing her son?

Maybe they are into that kind of kink... Why are you judging?

Well since you nutballs think the Rapture is upon us, please sell all your material belongings and then send the $$$ to my paypal account. You won't be needing it.

so is this book for actual children or for RWNJs and their low IQ base?

Well the problem is anyone can type up mystical crap and mention god/ country and sound all heavenly spiritual.

and no one caught this on a cellphone?

so surgery was a success then?

good to know sick workers are forced to make and serve food in Texas.

Stupid Taco Bell customer needs to be arrested too. Because last time I checked canibalism is illegal too.

Can't you just buy her a white Mercedes when she turns 16 like all the other princess?

So you lost?