
People still watch faux news? Seriously?

Poor guy :( Delusional in his old age.

I refuse to judge competitive knitting. Have you seen the utter crap that is filling the airwaves?

Looks fake. I'll give you $5.00 and take it off your hands.

So the solution is to invent a cup that can hold hot beverages, does not radiate heat while holding it and does not spill while not drinking from it?

I believe being mentally ill should disqualify you from sitting in court as a judge...

Perhaps we are reading too much into this. If this judgmental ass needs a women that he thinks he can push around, more power to the idiot.

Small-handled sledge hammer?

Crap-a-fill is just that. And when all the cons start getting heart attacks eating this garbage, the world would be a better place.

Overpriced cardboard that is similar to generic brands at stores. Except you get a better value with store brands.

We are all forgetting the most important news fact that is being skimmed in this article:

I was hoping the Lake would take the idiots with her. These people do not deserve to breed future generations of morons.

Is there something YOU care to share with the rest of us about you and your dog?

Since you are from Texas, we forgive your ignorant question since clean air and water is not a priority for your state.

Looks like the cat has trained the library staff quite nicely!

Alabama... Yeah I will believe this when it actually happens.

I am sorry to inform you: yes people are this stupid :(

We are talking about people who confuse Africa and Hawaii. Does this really surprise you.

Xtube has many fine examples.

And why is he special?