
Student/athletes who are getting a free ride. Listen, I went to USC. I've seen the facilities, and the perks. And yes, there are bosses that speak to employees this way. They're shit bosses. And there are professors who belittle students. Never been to Law School I'm guessing?

Read it again. I did NOT call you names. If you think your own naive delusions are name calling, then I'm willing to bet your problems were more perceived than actual.

Never said it was right. Never said it was okay. Simply pointing out that it's happened since the dawn of organized sports.

So how, exactly, is your name calling any different than what Martin did? Grow up man. This isn't pee-wee soccer. Your failures are yours alone.

Waaahhhhh...cry me a river. This is D1, big time, college athletics. If this sort of the rankles your delicate undercarriage, then you've either never played competitive sports, know the rest.

Jesus...STFU you wankers! It's hockey, not 8 year olds playing rec league soccer. It's two grown ass men, who know the consequences of their actions, settling it toe-to-toe. And the comment about "white sports"?
At least the hockey guys fight. NBA players run around the court like gang-bangers, but when it comes

No, actually I got my facts from the time I spent employed as a Product Specialist for Volkswagen. You see, actual knowledge of a subject beats theory every time.

No, you lost twice because there's really NO argument, as VW lets NO ONE test on their track, and at one time it was so secret it wasn't even on satellite images of the region.

Not quite lame enough to use completely incorrect apostrophes.

You really think VAG will let a car onto their test track to beat the Veyron? I want to live in that World. I bet the sky is beautiful!

The Veyron tests at Ehra-Lesseinm which is, in fact, a banked track.

Gee...I don't know...roll thru the corner, and accelerate out of the corner at 140mph, which gives the car the entire straight to get from 140 to max velocity, then coast back down?
Or force the car to accelerate from zero, hit not-quite-mav-velocity, then haul itself back down before driving into the lake at the end

Curtis has been to A LOT of races. He actually really likes the sport. He's evidently very genuine, and affable.

Am I the only one that would have chased the guy down had I been in that silver Murano?

I hit a deer in high school. BIG 6-pt. buck. He killed my car, and paid with his life. Not 10 minutes after I hit him, a guy in a pickup rolled up, asked the State Trooper if he could grab the deer.
Trooper gave him the go ahead, and that was that. Oh...Pennsylvania...
No reason to let 150 pounds of good venison go

West Chester University. When you absolutely need to be a townie after college.

Did you seriously just compare Keith Moon to Bieber? I can't even wrap my head around that analogy. It's just...I can' away mumbling...)

Will Speed finish in the back, or crash as spectacularly as he did in NASCAR?

Bet I know where they found the number for that tow company...