It’s not fear of the word. It’s refusal to be associated with a hostile and radical fringe that unfortunately represents Feminism in the mind of many.
It’s not fear of the word. It’s refusal to be associated with a hostile and radical fringe that unfortunately represents Feminism in the mind of many.
Did they put a bag over her head first?
It’s not a joke about men having feelings. Those guys on 4chan aren’t men.
It’s not?
I don’t see the problem with that either. For all we know, he might be right. I can see how having your sexuality widely known - whatever it may be - might restrict the roles you get cast for.
This is sad.
Nonsense. Tell us more.
It happens everywhere, anytime creatives and business mix.
What I don’t understand is how an anchor for Fox “News” can win an Emmy. And SIX times? WTF?
Is her name Kristin by any chance?
It’s Patrick Stewart. He is amazing. Leave him the fuck alone.
LOL. Cause kids are always open and honest about everything with their parents.
Um. He’s protecting your freedom by going to another country and killing people he doesn’t know for reasons he doesn’t know. ‘Murica.
That’s sad. I like her. Even as Catwoman.
Why do we hate Anne Hathaway?
Totally Serious here... Can we get a 500 days of Gwyneth please?
Um, you forgot to give him an eagle, a gun, and an American flag...
Damn right. It occurred to me yesterday that if we were to place every Conservative voter on a rocket and send them on a one way trip to space, nearly all the world’s problems could be solved.
I’ve worked at - and with - many non-profits. This is true for almost all of them.
Buy it used.