
As a kid who spent three years getting picked on by just about everyone before fighting back, I can attest that yes, hitting them back does work.

We used to do these kinds of questions all the time in my ethics class in undergrad. They aren't presented as serious options as much as prompts to get you thinking deeper about your beliefs.

I didn't take the question as a realistic solution to the problem - just something to get people thinking about what is most important to them. It's not a comfortable question.

Speaking of playing nice with other humans... they only asked a question.

Disagree. People aren't answering the question because they don't like their answers.

Don't hate cause you don't like the question.

Good question. I don't know.

Tell that to my friend who just had to put her dog down for killing another of her dogs. Well trained, non abused, and very much loved. And then - out of nowhere - something snapped.

CPS maybe. Not the police (I've seen what they do to people in their custody.) But why not call someone else? They should have secondary contact people / emergency contacts. Why not call the dad?

I see pre-school and kindergarten kids out for recess at the school across my street everyday. 30+ kids and only 2 or 3 supervisors.

Agreed. I imagine someone leaving my 4 year old locked away alone at 1:30 AM... My response would be biblical.

Totally agree.

Why is this a big deal? From what I see, 61% of their workforce are white. Last stat I saw said that nationally 63% of the pop was white. The only disparity I see is in the tech positions. Are women and men equally represented in the tech job-seeker pool?

As someone who has had to decide whether to obey the law and take my kid into the gas station with me in dangerous subzero temperatures, or break the law and keep him safe and warm in the car - I say this issue isn't as clear as people like to make it.

It might be. But with so many real victims in the world, I just don't care about the rights of the WBC.

Rape happens. Rape culture exists. We live in a predatory world. It's up to each of us how we want to handle that.

I like how this is a big deal, but they won't do anything about everyday threats of rape and violence from online stalkers and trolls.

Thanks for this Madeleine!

You misunderstand his purpose. He's not trying to help the homeless - he's trying to reward people for their spontaneous generosity.