brick frog

You missed a boner.

Pretty much.

Gwyneth Paltrow hosted a dinner party in which everyone was given their own vagina egg.

Tell that to the neckbeards who are throwing their shit at the walls on BBC’s Twitter account right now.

I watched the clip and when she was revealed I felt the tears come down - they were tears of pure unbridled happiness that I didn’t expect but readily welcome as another glass ceiling is shattered.

That’s a great question. I suppose because stunts were once the province of action and genre films, not pictures with serious artistic merit. But that’s hardly the case today, and if special effects are worthy of an Oscar category than stunt work should be as well.

I’m reading this and thinking-

But can he see the butthole?

Barrrrrrrf. I am a loud and proud feminist who will always be fiercely protective of a woman’s right to have whatever kind of lovemaking(BARF) she wants and needs but personally, goddamnit, take me to Pound Town.

Imagine Matt McGorry without the charisma:

The Tenderman posts on Jezebel using his real name.

I’m a graduate (PhD) of an Ivy League where over 60% of the student body participates in Greek life. It was disgusting on so many levels. I had students who admitted outright that they weren’t able to study everyday because of their duties as pledges. They thought they would get more career opportunities down the line

That is a totally bullshit NDA.

I want to support women in films, especially in lead roles, especially in non-traditional roles, for instance, as action stars.

James Bond wears a tuxedo in almost every Bond movie. He also checks into every hotel under his real name. Is that either practical or logical? No, it isn’t, but it is part of the allure. Same with the boots and the sex scene in Atomic Blonde.

Surely more:

The Trump boys look like a failed cloning experiment done in jars that someone didn’t sanitize properly.

Police: “Freeze!”

Suggesting an alternative place to eat for somebody who isn’t comfortable isn’t weird. Assuming they aren’t comfortable because they aren’t as educated as you and telling that to the country is weird.