
Because Bernie is running. Why would they go to warren when Bernie is running. Policy has never mattered. Also  voters refusing to vote for the nominee isn’t new. This happens every election season. 

Im missing the part of this article where I'm supposed to feel something for Marla Maples, a woman who voluntarily began dating a (disgusting) married man while he was still married who then had a very iconic divorce where his ex wife coined the phrase "don't get mad, get everything" and was shocked he was a dick

I tell you what.

oh fuck the fuck off 

What strategies are those? Always fighting on the terms dictated by your opponent, tying one hand behind your back and begging a bunch of amoral dicks to like you? That’s what Democratic mainstream has been doing for 40 years and now we’re here.

There is a surprisingly large group of people out there who believe the best way to beat Trump is to keep doing the exact thing that lost the election last time.

Now is the time for tough, pragmatic compromise.

A good bartender is worth a thousand bottom feeding law clerks from the Heritage Foundation.

Yeah, this guy doesn’t need a stronger jawline.

I’m just so sick of these guys whining about how “attractive” people get more positive attention. No shit. Welcome to the world. That’s shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone. What baffles me is their inability to see attractiveness as a package deal. Yeah, good looks are going to get you more swipes on Tinder or

Imagine thinking that many thousands of dollars of dangerous, invasive surgery, halfway across the globe was a better, easier idea than some marginal self-improvement in terms of hygiene and standard of living. If that doesn’t speak to some serious mental illness I truly don’t know what does.

it’s terrifying, isn’t it?   i think i am still surprised sometimes when i come across the hate that some men have for women.  just outright HATE.  like we aren’t even people - just things.  it’s frightening and it should not surprise me still, but it does.

The whole article is worth a read, but here’s my favorite/dear lord help us all moment. After going on and on about how his appearance is keeping him from attracting the women he so deserves, Truth4Lies then drops this little nugget on us:

can’t surgically alter a personality or misogyny though. so, the problem for these dudes will remain.

Well I heard Ms. Fishbein talk about her
I heard ol’ Becca put ‘er down
I hope Fishbein will remember
Sichuan bear don’t need her around, anyhow

What is it with these people? If we wanted to watch movies that didn’t feature queer people being queer, WE WOULDN’T BE WATCHING MOVIES ABOUT FREDDIE MERCURY OR ELTON JOHN.

I don’t disagree, I just wanted to hop on and *really* stress how badly Daulerio fucked up

But the bigger issue is that there was a newsworthy story to be found in the sex tape, it just wasn’t the sex.  It was the racism at the end.  Racism that Gawker could have covered without showing the sex tape.

Never forget Daulerio” joked” that he would publish video of child porn during a deposition. AJ Daulerio was and remains a gigantic shitstain. 

I unashamedly love HamNo, and you’re right about his wheelhouse.  Additionally, his comedy/satire pieces make me literally LOL and I wish there were more of them as well.