
I’m leaving a relationship with my partner of 6 years. I will have the house (I bought it and didn’t allow for him to pay for repairs, mortgage, taxes, etc. other than a $135 fix), our four dogs, and I’m letting him take the car, TV, whatever he wants other than the pets and my art collection. He is at fault for the en

Lady Macbeth was my first thought.

Confession time. I’m a Washington Post and Slate troll, but not that kind. I look at it like this: these guys don’t care and/or don’t want to hear facts, figures, arguments, etc. There’s no mind changing. So I have a little fun instead.

You should have told Cashier Joe, “Why yes, we’re boarding the night flight to Rome, and we decided to stock the fridge before we left so the food could rot. It’s a tradition in our family.”

A high wind blew a Christmas ornament into our yard. That is our outside Christmas decorations.

You and your partner are a family. You create your own holiday. My husband and I have traditions that we have upheld for years, lobster on Christmas Eve and prime rib on Christmas day. We used to try to join others for local events, but we prefer our way (bonus, our way can be accomplished in pajamas).

I always brag about how we aren’t travelling or dealing with shitty family. I go all “oh it’s so amazing and intimate, only doing what we want with who we want! No shitty relatives and judgement! We have the best Christmas, it’s amazing!”

Not sure she has much choice in the matter unless she wants to go(stay?) on welfare and not send her kids to college.

In her defense, I imagine that once you’re famous it’s hard to do anything else besides milking what you can out of your public persona. Who’s going to hire “Octomom”, and all the baggage that comes with the title?

Michelle Duggar makes her toddlers wear long skirts so their little baby legs don’t tempt men, allowed her daughters to be molested by their brother and then covered it up, actively works to make life hell for transgender people, and has robbed her older children of their childhoods by making them essentially toil in

She doesn’t seem like the best decision-maker, but if I had to be in one of those enormous families I’d way rather have Suleman as a mom than that creepy Duggar woman.

This is not really embarrassing but it was a holiday party challenge for me and may provide some seasonal cheer.

He’s a fucking liar. It was 50 km+/-...maybe an hour....and that fucker will drive for 3 hours to hold one of his rallies!

I’d also find it more believable if he hadn’t skipped a visit to Arlington the very next day...

Remember, these are ‘ketchup on steak’ tastebuds we’re talking about, here. He’d give a Michelin star to an actual tire.

As if France could give a fuck about shitty American wine.

You have low stomach acid. Stop taking anti-acids as it's perpetuating the low acid you are experiencing. Low stomach acid is easily treated by taking apple cider vinegar, or betaine HCL supplements. As you age, you develop low stomach acid and acid reflux can occur or other related symptoms of low acid like GERD. you

Yeah, I just read that last bit in the nick of time. I had the bottle of whisky, the razor blade and the sterile gauze all ready here.

My favorite narrative element of this great and true story was how you book-ended your praise of this woman for being interested in your HEART and MIND with a detailed description of her body. Presumably you were fascinated by the HEART and MIND of her “nice boobs on the larger side”.

I’ve had a few friends like that, and they’re typically a bit less secure discussing their emotional state and react a bit poorly and put up walls of denial when they feel vulnerable. My subjective opinion is it’s a byproduct of hastily grasping at anything for cover.