
Because of my age when it came out, Temple of Doom was a movie I adored as a child. I didn’t think too much about all the cultural missteps it took. But I just want to point out that, while the Thuggee cult makes a great group of villains, it’s important to mention that the concept of the Thuggees was the product of

It looks like a bad entry to a menswear challenge on Project Runway. I can just hear Nina saying “it’s HIDEOUS.”

It’s funny, that trailer feels pretty timeless until poof, the Vanessa Carlton song pops in and you know you’re back in the early 2000s.

The well!

The mother kills herself with exhaust because her kid choked on a hamburger in the back seat. I had forgotten that Arnie’s dad died in the car as well--maybe that’s what it’s referencing.

Maybe someone here can help me--there was a scene (I think in episode 2) in which you see a woman murdering her husband with car exhaust and he’s dead in the chair with a dead bird in the cage next to him. Something about this image reminded me of something--it felt like a direct reference, but I for the life of me

Everything I’ve heard about Tom Cruise has supported that he is not just a professional, but exceptionally focused and constantly striving to improve himself. When he first started he did everything he could to learn the industry inside and out--he never seemed to go through an entitled young star phase even though he

The first episode has its cutesy moments and references, but I think it’s better than this review makes out. It’s definitely atmospheric, creepy, and has enough of an interesting plot so far to make me tune in again.

Well that’s a pretty callous and crappy outlook.

Jeepers Creepers.

Yeah, both Rachel Bloom and Alison Brie were, IMO, better this season than they were in the previous season.

Since Itchy and Scratchy Land was based partially on Westworld, maybe they thought it was already covered...

Also, The Go! Team. Although I saw them live once and they were pretty great. But bad name.

For me, it’s Imagine Dragons. Whenever I hear that band name I just think “no, fuck you.”

Finally, someone talks about this movie! I love this movie! I saw it in the theater and I thought it was smashing—the sets, the costumes, the writing, the acting, everything. I loved those old Rock Hudson and Doris Day films so of course this was right up my alley. It’s such a clever, cute little romantic comedy, but

Right? Everyone focuses on the murder, but I would think insider trading, corporate theft, etc. would be rampant. When my husband and I watched the first one I said “I would just stay at home and be a cyber criminal.” Maybe that doesn’t make such a good movie, I guess.

Their lightweight criticisms, though--and the film still has a White teenager introducing rock and roll to Chuck Berry (via Marvin). How insulting is that?

I think you’re using the term “conceit” incorrectly. That said, I’m inclined to agree that it’s pretty damn funny.

I’m surprised to see The Commuter on this list. It was fine, but it wasn’t exactly brilliant IMO. Vera Farmiga elevated it quite a bit, but it was pretty tepid, predictable stuff.

I’m getting kind of sick of all the complaints about this season being “unnecessarily” convoluted. I thought the season made sense and was relatively easy to follow. I have some other issues with it (some of the characters’ actions didn’t make sense in context, and some of the C plotlines were squandered, among other