
@Shai: You really just don't get it. I am ending this discussion before it turns into anything even more pointless. My last and final word is that your position is now an academic minority that is not considered to have as much weight or merit as you seem to think. If you disagree, by all means, go ahead. I think

@Shai: Let's make something clear here. I made no attempt to evangelize you or anyone here. I only do this when people ask me questions. There is rarely a question as to my belief simply because it is part of who I am. So, those who meet me know that if they have a question I am at least one person to ask. I

@Shai: The best I can say to that stuff is that One: Apologetics doesn't coddle me. If it did, I would be going out of my way right now to prove God's existence to you. Which if you will remember all I ever posted is that science cannot prove or disprove God's existence and that even a proof isn't 100%. Second, as

@Pook365: Unfortunatley you have obviously not taken a philosophy class. Yes, philosophy birthed science. But, if you spouted the nonsense you just said in even a 101 level Phil class the prof would laugh in your face and make you do a paper on the purpose of philosophy. Philosophy is not fanciful (did you know

@Shai: I disagree, since there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that I would say supports God's existence. Also some good philosophical arguments But, I do think your conclusion is not undrawable if you are going off of experiential knowledge alone. And some people only except experience. Though typically

@Teclys: Well, mathematics is maybe more certain then other branches of knowledge. But, as far as I was taught we are still basing the tautology in math on the idea that we haven't yet experienced a situation that contradicts them. But, if we did find one that contradicted it consistently we would have to rewrite

@jchen1: No prob. I have been there myself and am still learning. So, i do understand.

@jchen1: Hey, I am glad you are a brother. I just wanted to remind you we have to be careful to share the truth in love. You just didn't sound very Christ-like in what you said. If I was too harsh, forgive me. I have just seen too much legalism and lack of love in my own church to tolerate it in other Christian's

@2 replies: No worries, we all stumble in many ways. Me no less then anyone else.

@jchen1: No offense man, but, physics matters and if you are a Christian, you just mischaracterized God in a horrible and evil way.

@Celladore:If you will notice I replied to my own comment correcting myself. I did notice on further thought, before you posted, that Hawking was not necessarily saying God doesn't exist. Just that the universe has the potential to have "created" itself. Thanks for being willing to point that out though.

@2 replies: If you will notice I replied to my own comment correcting myself. I did notice on further thought, before you posted, that Hawking was not necessarily saying God doesn't exist. Just that the universe has the potential to have "created" itself. Thanks for being willing to point that out though. I

@epi23140: I never said there are no such things as tautologies. There are, but when we are talking about trying to prove or disprove God's existence with physical evidence and outside of philosophical argumentation we will not be able to prove anything. Even the tautologies as you said yourself can be falsified if

@DeeDawg: Thanks for the unintentional support. I was just trying to explain this to someone a few comments down. God's existence is a philosophical question, not a scientific one and all evidence only makes God existence more or less likely. And yes I do believe. So, since we can all be philosophers we can all

@Praben: You are wrong. You cannot fully prove or disprove anything. Only make it very likely or unlikely to be true. Complete factual certainty only happens under a few specific types of knowledge. Particularly experiential (and philosophers can throw doubt even on that, so do psychologists). But, God, being a

@Azures: I on the other hand wonder if it won't be just the opposite way around. Sometimes we humans are too doubtful for our own good.

@MMBman7171: Of course then again if we take his words a little more literally he is only saying God wouldn't HAVE to exist for the universe to exist which is a oft argued philosophical position. So, maybe the real problem is that we are taking him to mean that "There is no God." When really he is simply saying

the problem with his assertion is that science can never do anything to prove or disprove the existence of God. That is a philosophy question and no amount of physical evidence will ever get us to "There is no God" not even the law of gravity. I would have thought Hawking would know better. That is Logic and

@Trickyhop: I understand that they have to optimize and all. I just feel there is little excuse for how long it is taking.

@Nelson: Yeah, unintentional. I did mean parity. I am tired.