
@Taheca: No, no, you don't get it. I could care less about iPad g2. I don't plan on buying it. Maybe g3. My point is they said they would deliver and frankly I think it should have been on the iPad in the first place and I feel there is little to no reason why it couldn't have been. Just Apple freaking out so I was irritated by it when the ipad first came out and they stated "not until fall.". This is an ambiguous timeframe which would lead one to believe "sooner if possible" and typically Apple does not pull crap like this. Hence, the irritation. MS does this kind of BS not Apple. And honestly I feel

@SynthOno: I too have trouble seeing how this is a design that will least in it's current size.

@Channan: Dude, I am a little more than just disappoint. I am plain irritated. It shouldn't be taking this long just to bring iOS 4 to iPad. It is lazy and disrespectful to us consumers who spent the money on one and yet had to endure iOS 4 being released on the iphone first, the iPad is the new device in the

@Stevenson: Dude, they did say they hope google and the rest of the industry follows in the article. Besides if Hitachi makes the touch screens for current Apple products then it stands to reason that there is at least a chance this new tech will end up in say the iPad 2G.

It will happen in time.

@unclemeat79: Pretty obvious, because he didn't come up with them. He was relying on umpteen million studies in psychology about the human brain and suggestion. Also studies on subliminal messaging and more. They weren't even his ideas to begin with unless he has a PHD in Psychology (unlikely) and been apart of at

@MMBman7171: Aka general scientific knowledge isn't the realm for patenting. I mean what Mr. Allen has done is akin to trying to patent the second law of thermodynamics. He just thinks somehow that if it is a law of human behavior it must be "Okay" to patent. I call his bull and raise him a punch in the face for

You know what? I am sick of some these companies and people and their whiney bullcrap over things that are so nebulous that they shouldn't even be considered a patent! I mean seriously!? How can you and why should you be able to patent something like ad placement? It isn't like commonly known psychological

@MMBman7171: Oh, let's not forget the search engine.

@fury161: I am glad I am not the only one who has picked up on the "Google is not as evil as Apple!" silliness. Google is so evil it's scary. Apple is so "evil" it's laughable. Wake me when Apple starts making a web browser, email service and phone service all with the intended purpose of purposely mining data

@blyan: Targeting the corporate user is not a guaranteed win. Businesses are lumbering beasts that are resistant to new unproven "business" tech. The reason Apple has gotten a hold in the business world is because of consumers demanding being able to use apple products in the work place. Not by making a device for

I refuse to use any electronic device with a "member"........

I do believe the right words for this are something along the lines of: "Ridiculously Sweet!"

@grkhetan: Don't forget SmartNote, Notetaker HD, Dropbox, Penultimate and Monkey Island 2. Smartnote is my serious note taking app, much better then Penultimate which I have used to replace the default Apple notes app. I keep NoteTaker HD around because it is half as functional as smartnote, but has VGA output. So

@JawzX2: I think the better question is: Why are we the general public often the beta testers. Don't get me wrong. I know you HAVE to release your software at some point, or you never will. But, sometimes the things they foist on us are ridiculous. Why can't the hardware boundary pushing be done in a lab and not

@MMBman7171: I should probably apologize to any app developers here. You guys aren't idiots. You are intelligent people. Just please quit irritating me by making multimedia and gaming apps as a majority. Get into making some apps that get stuff done guys!

I love how everyone assumes the iPad cannot do productivity. Just shows me no one has tried using it for exactly that purpose. It is certainly better then many think and is really only being held back by the fact that most idiot app developers don't want to develop serious productivity apps for the iPad. But, that